n. 1. peg, stake. Gilibutan níyag taluktuk ang bag-ung turuk nga lísu, He put stakes all around the bed of the newly sprouted seedlings; 2. bar for gathering sweet potatoes; 3. in dugout boats, reinforcing studs stuck into the sides to which additional planking is nailed to make the hull higher; 4. top of a hill, cliff; v. 1. enclose stakes; 2. make a peg or stake; 3. attach studs into the sides of a dugout; 4. be, become steep. Ug mutaluktuk ang dálan, dílì na makaági ang dyíp, If the road gets too steep, the jeep won’t go any further; a. steep. Taluktuk nga pangpang, A steep cliff. -an n. summit.
(not without l) n. a length of bamboo with holes at both ends used to keep a pig from getting his tether rope hopelessly entwined. One end of the bamboo is attached to a short piece of the rope tied to the feet, and the other end of the bamboo is attached to a rope tied to the stake; v. put, make into a talumbang.
n. 1. mildew; 2. freckle; v. get mildewed. Gitalumtuman ang hinamugan kay wà tiwasag utaw, The moistened clothes got mildewed because they were left unironed. -un(→) a. mildewed, freckled.
(from lumus—not without l) n. anything used to cover the body when bathing; v. put on something during bath. Dílì magtalumus ang mga bátang mangalígù, Children don’t put on anything when they swim.
n. 1. pad of paper; 2. booklet of something Gihurut kug palit ang usa ka talun nga tíkit sa swipstik, I bought a whole booklet of sweepstake tickets.
n. eggplant: Solanum melongena. -an n. eggplant patch. talungtalung n. kind of shrub planted for its ornamental orange or yellow fruit: Solanum mammosum. -un n. wild shrub similar to eggplant, producing a spiked inedible fruit, used as a protection around the trunk of the coconut tree (hulud): Solanum sp. -un(→) see katyubung.
(not without l) n. pipe stem; v. make a pipe stem. Makatalungun ka sa bukug nga may lungag sa tungà, You can make a pipe stem out of a bone that has a hole in its center.
(not without l) v. momentarily stop from one’s work to give close thought or attention to something Usa ka manánuyng sunáta ang gitalunúngan sa mga trabahanti, The workers stopped to listen to the sweet music. hi- v. stop, pause when taken back. Nahitalúnung (nahipatalúnung) aku pagkakità sa abling kaha, I was taken aback when I saw the open safe.
(not without l) see tubigtúbig.
n. kind of hornbill: Penelopides panini.
(not without l) v. flatter someone to get him to do something for one. Dì ka makatalùtalù (makapanalùtalù) ánang tigulánga sa íyang kwarta, You can’t flatter money out of that old man. Kahibáwu kung mutrabáhu nag talùtaluan, I know he will work if you give him sweet talk; a. mentally weak, stupid.
v. 1. spit out what one has in the mouth in an explosive manner. Ayaw nag italuthu nang ímung gikaun dihà sa salug, Don’t spit what you’re eating out on the floor; 2. shoot with a pellet from a blowgun; 3. cure someone with taluthu; n. 1. treatment for skin ailments or swellings of natural or supernatural origins whereby a sorcerer chews ingredients and spits them out on the afflicted area as he utters magical prayers; 2. pellet from a blowgun. maN- n. sorcerer who can cure with taluthu.
n. kind of house lizard.
n. kind of large tree of secondary forests.
n. kind of large spreading ficus tree.
n. 1. putting on a lot and highly made up. 2. effeminate, homosexual. Ang mga talyáda dinaugdáug sa katilingban, Society treats fairies with contempt.
see taliyir.
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