a. elongated and pointed with tapering sides; v. become pointed with tapering sides. Mutaliwtiw (mataliwtiw) ang tumuy sa wating mag-aginud, The end of the earthworm becomes pointed and tapering when it stretches forward. -un a. pointed and tapering. paN- v. for the nose to become narrower and pointed. Manaliwtiw ang ilung sa táwung himatyun, The nose of a dying person gets narrow and pointed.
n. 1. repair shop; 2. tailor, dressmaking shop.
v. turn the body around. Taliyuk kunu. Átung tan-áwun ug haum ba nímu ang amirkana, Turn around. Let’s see if your jacket fits you.
n. talc.
n. wax
n. eggplant
v. 1. set out, forth several things in order, one at a time; 2. deduct a debt from one’s wages. Bayinti ang italtag sa ákung swildu, Deduct twenty pesos from my salary; 3. tap something off, esp. the ashes. Aku ray mutaltag sa bága sa agipu, I’ll tap off the embers from the firebrand myself. -an(→) n. 1. raddle, a rod with pegs used to separate the warp threads and guide them into the desired position around the warp beam; 2. ash tray.
v. 1. knock off something that is attached or set. Taltáli ang ligid sa karitun sa yapak nga nakakápal niánà, Scrape off the mud from the wheels of your pushcart; 2. deduct from one’s wages to pay for a debt. Taltálig diyis ang íyang swildu arun siya kabayad, Deduct ten pesos from his salary so that he can pay his debt; 3. divide land, property informally among prospective heirs without legal papers. Ang tibuuk datag tampi sa subà mauy báhin nga gitaltal álang kanákù, All the level land along the riverbank was my share of the inheritance.
(not without l) n. 1. scratch, dot, impression made by scratching lightly; 2. marks made to keep a record of petty purchases on credit. Tan-áwa sa listahan ug pilay ákung talù, Look it up to see how much I owe; v. 1. make scratches, dots. Kinsang kasing nakatalù niíni? Whose top made the impressions on this one? 2. make small purchases on credit. Nakatalù ku sa tindáhan gabíi, I bought something on credit at the store last night. -un(→) a. marked with dents all over.
(not without l) n. tallow, the hard fat in animals or the wax from beehives, used for making candles, soap, et al; v. gather or obtain tallow. talúun n. sticky, like tallow. Yútang talúun, Clay soil.
(not without l—from túbig) n. 1. small yellowish pustules appearing individually on the skin; 2. other watery and itchy eruptions on the skin; v. have a pustule of this sort. Dílì ku makasulat kay gitalubigan ang ákung tudlù, I cannot write because my finger has a pustule on it.
n. the lower portion of the human spinal column. Sakit ákung taludtud kay nahapalingkud ku sa asíras, The bottom part of my spine hurts because I fell down on my buttocks on the sidewalk.
see baluybuy.
v. hand something to someone Italukbuy ra ning suwat níya, Please hand this letter to her.
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