n. temptation, kind of fast dance; v. dance the temptation.
n. snack; v. 1. have a snack. Bastanti nang itimù (timuun) ring biskwit, This biscuit is enough for a snack; 2. put into one’s mouth. Arun dì masakpan gitimù nákù ang sigarilyu, To avoid being caught, I stuffed the cigarette into my mouth. timùtimù v. eat snacks casually between meals.
n. wind that hits Cebu from the east.
n. 1. rudder; 2. clitoris (humorous euphemism); v. steer a boat with a rudder, or with a paddle used like a rudder. Lihíru siyang mutimun (manimun) kúmu mananagat, He steers the rudder well since he is a fisherman. Timuni ang sakayan, Steer the boat. paN- v. steer, guide, lead a group. Ang Prisidinti mauy manimun sa násud, The President steers the nation. Ang punduk nga ímung gipanimunan, The group you are the leader of. -il n. helmsman; v. be the helmsman.
see kimúna.
n. a kind of secret talk where certain phonemes are substituted for others: u for a, t for d, p for d, r for l, n for m, and y for s, the rest remaining. The word timuri is derived from binali (‘done backwards’); v. speak in timuri. Kumuu kung nutimuri? (Kamau kang mubinali?) Cangre yougre speakgre Hoggre? (Can you speak Hog Latin?)
n. kind of light, brownish grasshopper less than 1″ found in bushes and tall grasses.
n. teamwork. Lawgaw ang ámung grúpu kay way timwurk, Our group is no good because it lacks teamwork; a. have teamwork, right coordination. Timwurk kaáyu ang bahista ug ang pyanista, The bass player and the pianist coordinated beautifully; v. team up with, do something harmoniously together in coordinated effort. Nagkatimwurk ang duruha sa ílang pag-ílad sa sapian nílang iyaan, The two made a perfect team in swindling their rich aunt.
a. 1. clear, not turbid or muddied. Tin-aw ang limpiyung túbig, Clean water is clear; 2. clear, definite. Tin-aw ang íyang báhad, His warning was clear; 3. clear-voiced. Tin-aw íyang tíngug kay dì siya muinum, He has a clear voice because he doesn’t drink. — ug íhì a. a woman who can have intercourse again after having had a baby (lit. having clear urine); v. 1. become clear, not muddled or hoarse; 2. clarify. Tin-áwun nátù nga akuy masunud dinhi, Let’s make it clear: you’re supposed to obey me here. Patin-áwig maáyu ang mga labhanan, Rinse out the clothing till the water becomes clear. (Lit. Make what is from the clothing clear.) -ay(→) v. confront each other so as to iron out differences. Makigtin-away ku níya báhin niánang tabía, I’ll have it out with her about that gossip. ka-an n. clarification, explanation.
adj. plain
n. teen-ager; v. be a teen-ager.
abbreviation for tinyinti ‘lieutenant’.
n. a child born with the umbilical cord wound around the neck. According to folk belief such a child will turn out hot-tempered.
n. dye
n. kind of brown-colored rot that affects rice plants stunting their growth or killing them.
n. tint
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