n. kind of sardine.
v. carry a child astride the hips. Ayaw salip-ánga (isalip-ang) ang bátà arun dílì mabakang, Do not carry the baby astride your hips or he will get bow-legged.
v. put something next to or in between something, be put in this position. Musaliping pa lang ka sa luyu sa balay, dílì ka hikitan, If you just keep close to the back of the house, no one will see you. Nagsalip-ing kug kwarta sa libru, I placed some money in between the pages of the book. Makasalip-ing ba kug ínit túbig sa dinung-ag? May I put a kettle of water next to the cooked pot of rice to heat it?
v. wedge something in between. Kinsa kahay nagsalip-it (nagpasalip-it) ug diyisun sa ákung libru? Who could have placed a ten-peso bill in the book? Isalip-it (ipasalip-it) ang lápis sa dalunggan, Put the pencil behind the ear.
a. narrow, having little room for motion. Salip-ut nga sayal nga lisud ilíhuk, A narrow skirt that is difficult to move in. Salip-ut nga dálan, A narrow road; v. 1. be narrow, get to have too little space. Masalip-ut (musalip-ut) gánì ang kwartu, alimúut kaáyu, If the room gets too crowded, it will be very hot; 2. wedge something in between something Isalip-ut nang papil sa pultahan arun dì maabli, Stick a piece of paper into that door so it won’t come open.
n. palisade
n. shelter
v. stay close beside or behind s.t in order to hide oneself. Musalipì (mupasalipì) ku áring dakung batu arun dì ku makítà níla, I will stay close beside this big stone so they won’t see me.
v. go, put something next to something Musalíping ku sa kiliran sa ákung asáwa, I will lie down next to my wife. Si Nánay ang nagsalíping sa kúlun tupad sa takuri, Mother put the clay pot beside the teakettle. Salipínga nig butang, Put these things down side by side. (←) n. twins; v. be twins; 2. for a pregnancy to turn out to be twins. ka- n. one’s twin.
v. duck down behind something Didtu ku musalipnù sa luyu sa batu mau nga wà ku makit-i, I ducked behind the rock so they didn’t see me.
n. barricade
(from lipudlípud) a. completely or partially hidden behind something Salipud kaáyu ang íla gíkan sa karsáda, You can’t see their house very well from the road; n. something that obstructs the view; v. obstruct the view. Pangánud nga nagsalipud sa búlan, Clouds that are hiding the moon. (←) a. very well hidden. pa- v. hide behind something paN-, paN-(←) v. defend, protect someone, oneself from danger. Akuy manalipud (manalípud) nímu sa mga piligru nga maghulgà sa ímung kinabúhì, I will protect you from the dangers that threaten your life; n. defense, protection.
v. do, be useful, come out successful. Dílì musalir nang ímung paági, Your procedure will not do. Misalir ang ákung buláda. Misugut siya, My flattery worked. She accepted me.
v. engage in naughty behavior when there is some encouragement. Musalir ra ba dáyun ning batáag pangáyug kwarta ug náay átung táwu, The child comes out to ask for money when there are visitors around. Misalir ang hubug nga giabibáhan, The drunk started acting wild when the others egged him on.
see sulírap.
v. 1. swerve, travel in a curve. Pagbutu sa ligid, ag awtu misalíring ngadtu sa kanal, When the tire blew, the car swerved into the ditch; 2. pass by near something for a purpose. Musalíring ang bátà sa lamísa kay nakakità sa dulsi, The child will veer over toward the table because he saw the candy.
(from sìsì) v. cut into strips or slats. Gisalìsì ang kawáyan, The bamboo was cut into strips; n. slat, strip. Tagái kug usa ka salìsì, Give me one strip.
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