v. 1. trust, rely. Dì ku musálig níya kay bakákun siya, I don’t trust him because he is a liar. Nagsalig ku nga muanhi ka apan wà diay, I was depending on you to come but you didn’t. 2. entrust, leave something in someone’s care. Isálig ku ning ákung kabtángan nímu ug wà ku dinhi, I will entrust my property to you while I’m gone; n. trust in someone Wà kuy sálig níya, I have no trust in him. (→) v. depend on someone for something Nagsalig ka nákù sa ímung iskuyla, You are depending on me for your schooling. pa- v. assure, give assurance. Mupasálig ku nímu nga buhátun ku nà, I assure you that I will do that. ma-un a. confident. Milakaw siya nga masalígun nga kabayran siya, He went away confident that he would be paid. pag- see sálig, n. -in-an n. 1. person left s.w. entrusted to run the affairs in the owner’s absence; 2. a team member considered the best on whom the rest put their hopes of success. Napildi mi kay nadiskuwalipáyid ang ámung sinalígan, We lost because our star player got disqualified. saligsalig v. give assurances of doing something when one has no plans to do it. Nagsaligsalig (nagpasaligsalig) ka mag búhat nga hínay ka man, You assured us that you could do the job, when you’re so slow.
see sag-ilay.
see salib-ay.
(coined word from sakayan, líhuk and hungaw) n. steamboat.
v. 1. move very close or alongside. Musalíid ang adlaw sa kasadpan inigsawup, The sun sinks down close to the horizon at sunset. Misalíid kug lakaw sa daplin sa karsáda, I walked very close to the side of the street. Gisalíid níya ang íyang kamut sa hubù nga láwas sa babáyi, He ran his hand lightly over the woman’s naked body; 2. reel, leaning to one side due to a heavy load. Nagsaliid ang trák tungud sa kapunù, The truck is leaning to one side under the load.
v. sound shrilly, shriek. Misalíit ang bumbíru samtang nagbagrung padulung sa káyu, The fire engine roared towards the fire with sirens screaming.
v. 1. wind thread on a frame in a criss-cross fashion to determine its quantity; 2. for the water buffalo to wind its tether rope around its horns in an analogous fashion; 2a. for a water buffalo to gore using the analogous motion with its head. saliksálik v. pass by frequently near someone or something Ang táwung nagsaliksálik sa ákung luyu mangunguut, The man who was going back and forth in back of me was a pickpocket. -an n. 1. H-shaped frame around which the thread is wound; 2. hammerhead shark, the head of which resembles this sort of winding frame; 3. horn.
n. waistcoat
n. sleeveless sweater or vest. kamisin di- sleeveless undershirt; v. wear, make a vest or sleeveless sweater.
a. for the back to be bent in a curve; v. for the back to become bent. Musalikubkub (masalikubkub) ang táwung matigúlang pag-áyu, A man’s back gets bent when he gets very old.
a. 1. improper, lacking in tact and timeliness. Salikwaut tung ímung pag-imbitar sa Múrus ug litsunáda, It was very tactless of you to invite the Muslims to the roast pig feast; 2. awkward, lacking in grace. Salikwaut ang pagkahan-ay sa mga púlung, The words were awkwardly put; v. be, become awkward or improper.
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