n. 1. chick or young of other birds; 2. endearing reference for one’s children; 3. novice, someone new to something Pisù pa lang siya sa panuwat, He is new to the writing profession; v. hatch an egg. Ang ubang himungáan dì mupisù sa ílang itlug, Some hens won’t hatch their eggs. (←) n. birdling. pis-an n. 1. hen or bird that has chicks; 2. an egg that has a chick in it.
n. storey of a building. Náa sa ikaduhang písu ang íyang klási, Her class is on the second floor.
peso, the Philippine unit of currency (singular). Un písu, One peso; 2. peso bill. Duha ka písu, Two peso bills; 3. — kuntra usa ka dakù (so-and-so) is nothing (a penny) as compared with someone else who is something (a peso). Ngánung ashan pa nímug súkul nà nga písu ka man kuntra usa ka dakù? Why do you have to bother fighting with that bum who’s nothing but so much trash compared to you? -s peso. Pila ni? Písus? Dus písus? How much is this? A peso? Two pesos? v. 1. cost a peso. Nagpísus na ang kílu sa kamátis, Tomatoes cost a peso a kilogram. Pisúsa lang ni, Let me have it for a peso; 2. receive a scolding. Makapisus ka sa ímung gibúhat, You’ll get a scolding for what you did. maN-, maN-(→) costing a peso each; v. 1. price something at a peso; 2. change something into one-peso notes. maN-un n. 1. the one-peso kind; 2. one-peso bills.
v. 1a. press the tip of one’s fingers over a part of the body to massage it. Magpísù pa ku sa ákung buktun nga namanhud, I’ll massage my arms because they are numb. Hipisuan ku ang íyang hubag, I accidentally pressed her boil when I massaged her.
v. 1. push something small into a depressed position. Pisúkun ku nang mata mu, I will push your eyes into your head; 2. hit a certain small point right on the head (as if it were being pushed inwards). Pisúkun ku nang batu sa ákung kasing, I will hit the stone directly with my top; 3. make a dent in something, covering only a small area. (→) a. 1. for something small to be depressed, sunken. Maglisud pagtútuy ang bátà kay pisuk ug atngal ang inahan, The child has difficulty suckling because the mother has inverted nipples; 2. being hit right at the spot aimed for.
n. 1. inflammation of the eyes characterized by watery and mucal secretion; 2. disease of poultry characterized by watery eyes, eruptions, and debility; v. 1. get this eye infection. Nagpisikut (gipisikut) ang íyang mata, His eyes are infected; 2. for chickens to get this sickness.
see písù.
n. steamroller; v. steamroller. Hámis ang dálan kay human na man pisuna (pisuni), The road is smooth because it has been steamrollered.
a. 1. uncircumcised; 2. not having holes in the ears; 3. an inexperienced beginner. Ikaw nga pisut pa ánang tárì, dílì ángay nga mupusta ug dakù, You’re just a greenhorn so you should not bet great amounts; v. turn out to be uncircumcised.
n. kind of small edible sea cucumber, dark brown to black in color.
see pislat.
(from upisyu) v. always, keep on doing something Ngánung nagpisyu siyag hilak? Why is he always crying? Pagminatarung. Mau nay gipisyug maymay sa ákung mga ginikánan, Be good. That’s what my parents always remind me to do.
n. the tiller in small boats; v. attach, make into a tiller.
exclamation shouted when dancers dance the sinulug in front of the image of the Holy Child (Santu Ninyu); v. exclaim pit sinyur.
adj. hard-up
a. 1. not affording enough space. Pit-us nga kwartu, A room that is too small. Pit-us ang dálan ngadtu sa búkid, It’s a narrow road that goes into the mountains; 2. hard up financially. Pit-us kaáyu mi kay wà kuy trabáhu, We’re very hard up because I don’t have a job; v. 1. make something narrow. Nagkapit-us ang asíras sa mga tinda, The sidewalks are getting jammed because of all the goods for sale; 2. be hard up financially; 3. be in a difficult situation, in a tight corner, etc. Musúkul ku ug mapit-usan, I’ll fight back if I am cornered. ka- n. tightness, esp. of one’s financial condition.
n. an ordinary variety of rice with white grains.
n. ground which is muddy and dirty. Ang bábuy milúnang sa pità, The pig wallowed in the mud; v. become muddy and dirty. Mupità (mapità) nang sílung ug sigíhag yabu ug hinúgas, The ground underneath the kitchen will become a dirty mire if you keep throwing the dishwater there.
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