n. 1. a small bird of meadows, the grass warbler: Cisticola sp; 2. the smallest person in a group.
v. be unsteady and trembly on one’s feet. Magpiruypiruy pa kug mubángun ku, I’m very wobbly if I try to get up.
see dispidída. see dispidir.
see pirhwisyu.
n. 1. fair, carnival; 2. booth in a fair. Daghang pirya sa karnabal, There are lots of booths in the carnival; v. hold a fair.
n. 1. period, punctuation mark; 2. period, there’s no more to be said about. Dì ka makalakaw. Piryud, You can’t go, and that’s all there is to it. Piryud na mi kay hustu ra ang tulu, We’re not going to have any more children. Three is enough; v. put a period.
n. periodical test given prior to the grading period; v. have, take a periodical test. — tist see piryudikal.
n. newspaper.
n. journalist; v. be, become a journalist.
see pyis.
v. split wood along the grain, or by extension, split similar materials. Nagpis-ak ka na ba ug káhuy isugnud? Have you split wood to use for fuel? n. piece chopped off.
n. 1. spare parts of a machine; 2. bolt or roll of cloth; v. buy cloth by the bolt.
n. music, musical score; v. use the music in playing. Maáyung magpísa arun dì masayup ang pagtukar, Better use the music so you won’t make a mistake.
v. press down something hard and move back and forth over it to crush or mash it. Magpisà kug ságing ipakáun sa bátà, I’ll mash a ripe banana for the child. Pisaa ang lisay hangtud mawálà, Press down hard on the swollen lymph node until it disappears.
n. the measurement or distance between the frets of stringed instruments; v. measure the fret distance.
see pisar.
a. muddy ground, mire. Pisak kaáyu ang dálan kay nag-ulan man, The street has turned to mud because it was raining; v. become a mire. Mupisak (mapisak) nang silung ug pirmihag yabu sa hinúgas, The ground underneath the kitchen will turn into a mire if you keep throwing the dishwater on it. pisakpisak v. 1. spatter or splatter dirt or liquid. Nabasà ang sawug kay nagpisakpisak ang bátà sa banyu, The floor got wet because the children were splashing around in the bathtub; 2. make a spattering sound. Hilabihan nga nakapisakpisak ang ulan sa gawas, How the rain went pat, pat, pat; n. 1. spattering, wet spot caused by spattering; 2. spattering sound.
see kisami.
v. buy something in bulk. Pisánun ku ang ímung pitu ka alat mangga, I’ll buy your seven basketfuls of mangoes. maN-r- n. one who buys in bulk.
v. for a dealer to weigh goods he is going to buy. Átung pisarun ang ímung bábuy, I’ll weigh your pig (to buy it). pisáda n. computation of how much something weighs and is worth. pisadur n. the one who weighs produce being bought, usually copra; v. become a weigher.
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