n. stray cat.
a. 1. monotonous, wearingly boring. Láay kaáyu ning wà tay búhat, It is so dull to be without anything to do. Láay kaáyu ang pagpaábut, It is very boring just to wait around; 2. disgusting, disappointing in that one doesn’t conform to what is expected of him. Laáya nímu uy, ingun ka palitan ku nímug sapátus, How disgusting! You promised to buy shoes for me (but you didn’t). Kaláay bayang Nína, gipanabì diay níya ang ákung sikrítu, How disgusting of Nina. She told my secret to everybody; v. be boring, feel bored. Nagkalaay na ning trabahúa kay mu ra gihápun, This work is getting boring because it is always the same thing. Mipaúlì na lang siya kay gilaáyan nag pinaábut nímu, He just went home. He got tired of waiting for you. (→) n. a variety of corn that takes a long time to mature. laaylaay v. while away time or do something for the meantime. Samtang magpaábut ku mulaaylaay lang kug gansilyu, While I’m waiting, I’ll while away the time crocheting. Gilaaylaayan ku lang nig búhat, nahuman na giyud, I just did this little by little during my spare time, and now it’s finished. ka-(→) see laaylaay. ka- n. boredom.
v. bore
n. half of the number of points or one less half the number of points that make a tennis or pingpong game. (From the notion that when the one who is behind reaches half the number of points—usually ten points, that number is subtracted from the winner’s points and the one behind is reckoned at zero. E.g. a score 12 to 10 is reckoned at dus láb instead of dúsi diyis.) v. for the one who is behind to get as far as the half-way point. Makaláb lang ku, sigurádu giyud kung makaagpas ug makadaug, If I can make it to love (ten points), I’m sure I can catch up and win. Siya ang kampiyun apan gilában ku siya, He is the champion, but I was able to get ten points (out of twenty-one).
n. lab.
v. 1. get to have spaces or omissions in between; cause something to do so, skip. Mulab-ak lang kug pila ka klási arun ku masayu, I will just skip some classes so I can get home early. Nakalab-ak kug usa ka linya sa ákung pakigpúlung, I accidentally left out a line in my speech. Gilab-akan níya ang tulu ka balay únà siya muhúnung, He passed up three houses before he stopped. Kining pula ilab-ak nímu sa putì, Intersperse these red things between the white ones; 1a. for colors to get uneven. Mulab-ak ang kulur sa sinínà ug ibulad sa ínit, The dress will get uneven in color (with dark interspersed with light) if you dry it in the sun; 2. go beyond a measure, too far or too deeply. Ang karsáda milab-ak ug usa ka mitru sa ámung yútà, The road encroaches onto one meter of our land. Pasaylúa ku kay nakalab-ak kug sulti ganína, Please forgive me for having spoken beyond the bounds of decency a while ago. Gilab-ak níya paghíwà ang íyang báhin sa kík, He sliced a bigger portion of the cake for himself than for others; a. 1. having spaces or omissions in between. Lab-ak nga pagkakural, Fencing with the posts put too far apart; 1a. being uneven in color; 2. cut too deeply, gone over the mark or limits; n. space left, area beyond which one has gone.
see laban.
v. pass over, miss. Milab-ang siyag usa ka dahun sa íyang gibása, He skipped a page of what he was reading. Lab-ang ug usa ka parapu, Skip one paragraph; n. amount missed, interval.
a. 1. for something quickly perishable to be fresh. Lab-as nga hángin, Fresh air. Lab-as nga balità, Fresh news. Lab-as nga búlak, Fresh flowers. Lab-as isdà, Fresh fish; 2. fresh in manner. Lab-as ra kaáyu nang ímung panlihuklihuk, Your actions are very fresh; n. fresh fish. Musúruy siyag lab-as káda buntag, She peddles fresh fish every morning; v. 1. be fresh; 2. make something fresh to one’s mind. Mga handumánan nga naglab-as sa átung kagahápun, Memories that keep our past fresh. nilab-as a. in a fresh way; v. do something in a fresh way. Ginilab-as ku níyag pangutána, He asked me in a disrespectful way. -íra n. female fish vendor; v. be a fish vendor. -íru see lab-asíra (male).
adj. fresh
adj. newly gathered
see labhù.
v. 1. swallow one’s saliva. Nagpanlab-uk siya sa láway sa kaíbug, He swallowed his spittle in his great desire; 2. see lad-uk; n. 1. action of swallowing the saliva; 2. see lad-uk.
n. stains, spots, uneven color. Ang labà sa íyang mga sinínà walà makúhà, We could not get the stains out of her dress; v. get stained, spotted in color. Mulabà (malabà) ang kulur sa sinínà ug ibuwad kini sa ínit, The color of the dress will become uneven if it gets exposed to the sun. Ayaw nag labaa (ilabà) ug pintal, Don’t paint it unevenly. labàlabà v. have splotches of lighter or darker hue, not evenly smooth. Naglabàlabà ang sinínang dikulur nga giladlad, The colored dress got splotched when it was bleached in the sun.
see taas (dialectal). pa-(←) v. do something to enhance one’s image in public. Kanang íyang panghátag kwarta nagpalábà lang sa íyang papil, He gave money, but only to enhance his public image; n. action of doing something for the show and not with earnest intent.
v. 1. wash clothing. Gilabhan níya ang ákung púlu, She washed my shirt. Ang batu nga ílang gilabhan, The stone where they do their washing; 2. scold, talk against. Gilabhan ka na sad sa ímung bus? Did your boss give you a cussing out again? 3. be badly defeated. Gilabhan námù ang ílang tím sa baskitbul, We trounced their team in basketball. -kára n. washcloth; v. wash the face with a washcloth. labalába v. work furiously, in a concentrated way. Átung labalabáhan pagpanday ang iskuylahan, Let’s work furiously building the school; 2. keep scolding, ranting against; a. done at a furious pace. labhanan n. 1. dirty laundry; 2. place to do wash; 3. place to air grievances. labhunun see labhanan, n1. nilabhan (linabhan) n. clean laundry. -bu(←) n. lavatory, sink. -da(←) n. laundry done for pay; v. take in wash, work off a debt by doing laundry. Naglabáda (nanglabáda) na lang siya, She took in wash. labandíra n. washerwoman; v. be a washerwoman. labandíru n. laundryman. -dur n. basin.
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