n. 1. see kuldun; 2. cord sewn into embroidery work; v. embroider with a cord.
n. corduroy cloth; v. wear something made of corduroy.
frequently, always. Kúri siyang mamisíta sa ámung dalága, He frequently visits our girl. Kúring abyirtu, Always open; v. do something often, always. Gikúri níyag sul-ub ang paburítu níyang sinínà, She always wears her favorite dress.
see kurídas.
n. paramour, lover; v. 1. for a married man or woman to have a lover or have a married lover. Nakigkuríbut ang asáwa sa higála sa íyang bána, The wife took her husband’s friend as her lover; 2. fool around with married men, women or for a married person to fool around.
n. 1. for a number of examples of an item to be bought or otherwise taken at random without selection. Tagsingku písus ang gatus sa tamátis, apan kurídas. Walay pílì, Tomatoes are five pesos a hundred, but you take them at random. You’re not allowed to choose. Kurídas ang pagkasulud sa prútas sa baskit, They put the fruits in the basket without sorting them out; v. 1. take a bunch without selecting; 2a. in billiards, make a carom with all the three balls in straight line but with the cue ball not bouncing off the sides of the billiard table; 2b. shoot two or more billiards into the pocket with one shot.
n. long narrative poem made for oral recitation, but otherwise like the kumpúsu; v. 1. recite the kurídu; 2. make a story into a kurídu.
n. corridor.
n. dealer of livestock, but not poultry. Gisaáran nga palitun sa kuridur ang ákung báka, The animal dealer promised to buy my cow; v. be, become a dealer of livestock. paN- v. buy and sell livestock. -a(←) n. a woman who recruits girls for employment, not usually said of women who recruit for the white slave traffic; v. 1. recruit girls for employment, usually prostitution; 2. become a white slaver.
n. Corregidor, an island in Manila Bay.
v. correct mistakes. Akuy mikurihir sa inyung tist pípar, I corrected your test papers. Naúlaw siya nga gikurihian atubángan sa kadaghánan, She was embarrassed because she was corrected in public.
exclamation of agreement that something is the right thing. Kurik! Dílì giyud siya ángayng pasaylúun, Right! He should not be pardoned. Kurik nang Binisayáa, That’s correct Visayan. mau rag (si) — 1. as if he were the real one, as if it were the real thing. Naghiraghírag ka bayà sa silya sa manidyǐr, mu rag kurik! You are sitting and leaning back in the manager’s chair as if you really belonged there! 2. know it all. Patubagtúbag bisag dì makamau, mu rag si kurik, He knows-it-all, answers all the questions (as if he knew); v. see kurihir. -siyun n. correction; v. correct an error. Ayaw kug kuriksiyuni, Don’t correct me. Kuriksiyuni ang ákung mga sayup, Correct my mistakes.
n. 1. variety of rice which yields a high quality cereal. The grains are about 1 cm. long, white, smooth in texture and taste comparatively good; 2. small variety of cooking banana.
n. curriculum
v. putter around doing little things, petty chores. Mga kurìkuríung mga búhat ni piru dúgayng mahuman, These are just little odd chores but it’ll take a long time to finish them up.
v. push, shove something away that one doesn’t want. Ag nawung nga mukurindu sa íyang plátu, mu rag daghag pagkáun sa íla, The nerve of him to shove away his plate as though he had plenty of food at home. Ikurindu ang irug musámuk nímu, Shove the dog away with your foot if it bothers you.
see kuryinti.
adj. niggard
adj. stingy
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