n. code, secret writing; v. write in code.
see kúlud.
n. camera; v. take pictures. Maáyu kudakan nang byúha, That is a good view to take a picture of. pa- v. 1. have one’s picture taken. Nagpakudak ang bag-ung kasal, The newly weds had their picture taken; 2. for the cue ball and the target ball to be directly aligned in the direction of the pocket. -ir n. photographer who attends affairs and roves about taking pictures to sell to the people who attend it (humorous slang). maN-r-(←) n. photographer.
n. photographer that takes still pictures; v. be, become a photographer.
see kurambus.
n. 1. code of laws. — iliktural election code. — iliktural ribisádu revised election code. — pinal penal code. — pinal ribisádu revised penal code. — sibil civil code; 2. compilation of answers to cheat from in exams or similar jottings for a talk or other public performances; v. use notes in an exam or in a talk. Dílì ku mukudigu kay mahadluk kug hisakpan, I won’t look at my notes because I am afraid I might be caught. Wà siya masayup sa pagkanta kay nagkudigu man, He didn’t miss any words in his song because he had a copy to glance at.
see kuting.
see kuludkúlud.
v. 1. grind into fine pieces by rubbing or scraping. Kudkúra ang lubi, Grate the coconut. Kudkura ang yílu, Take some shavings off the ice; 1a. carry someone astride the hips (from the notion that the way the child is carried is analogous to the coconut put over the shredder). 2. file off metal to clean it or thin it before sharpening it. Kinahanglan kudkúrun kanang tayà sa suwab únà baíra, You should scrape the rust off the blade before you whet it. kudkuran n. coconut shredder.
n. grater
v. make a scratch or a mark on a surface. Kinsay mukudlis sa ímung hubag? Who will make an incision in your boil? Gikudlísan sa bátà ang bungbung ug krayúla, The baby marked up the wall with crayons; n. scratch or mark left on a surface.
v. 1. make a scratch, pinprick, or line on something Kasingkásing nga gikudlit sa buktun, papil, káhuy, A heart tattooed on the arm, drawn on the paper, carved into the tree. Gikudlítan sa duktur ang hubag, The doctor made an incision in the boil; 1a. vaccinate. Nía na ang nars nga mukudlit sa mga bátà, Here is the nurse to vaccinate (lit. prick) the children; 1b. change the palm configuration of a child that has the mark of a crocodile on his palm (buayáhun) which betokens ill. Kinahanglang kudlítan ang buayáhun arun kabuhíag anak, A child that bears the mark of the crocodile on his palm should have it extended so his parents will not have all their children die on them; 2. write something (literary). Bálak nga gikudlit sa íyang dágang, The poem that his pen produced; n. lines, scratches, pinpricks. — sa pálad 1. lines in the palm; 2. one’s fate or fortune as indicated by the palm. pa- v. have oneself inoculated or have the lines on the palm extended. -anan n. person to be inoculated, place to be punctured, surface to be written on. -in- n. marks made. mag-r- n. one who inoculates or tattoos.
see kurdísu.
see kurusan, 4. see kurus.
n. herb of waste places, the tender parts of which are eaten as a vegetable. There are two species called by this name: -ng bayi an unarmed species, the best for use as vegetable (Amaranthus viridis) and -ng laki an armed species (Amaranthus spinosus).
n. musical instrument with six or more strings, having a flat, rectangular, wooden body. It is laid down and plucked with both hands.
a. for the meat of fruit or eggs to be completely separated from the skin or the pit. Daling panítan ang sambag kugal, It’s easy to peel ripe tamarinds when the skin is separated from the flesh; v. 1. for the flesh to separate from the peelings or pit. Mukugal ang lísu sa abukádu basta mahinug na, The seed in the avocado gets loose when it is ripe; 2. for a cough to loosen. Tambal nga makakugal (makapakugal) ning ubúha, Medicine that can loosen this cough.
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