v. 1. feel uneasy and restless. Naghulas ang bátang gitulug, The child is fidgety because he’s sleepy. Ang íyang pagpatay mauy nakahulas (nakapahulas) níya, The murder he had committed caused him to feel uneasy; 2. restlessly eager to do something Naghulas giyud nang bayhána nga muadtu sa bayli, That girl is itching to go to the dance.
v. 1. wait, don’t do something now but do it later. Huwat únà, kay wà pa malútù, Wait a minute. It’s not done; 2. wait for. Huwata únà ang paghunas únà ka manginhas, Wait for the tide to go out before you gather seashells; 3. expect something to happen. Naghulat ku nga mubutu tung granáda, I expected that the grenade would go off. -anan(←) n. place one waits.
n. lobby
v. await
n. drought, prolonged period without rain. Ang mga sapà nangaúga tugnud sa hulaw, The brooks dried up in the drought; v. be a drought. Ang mga tanum mangamátay kung huwawun (huwawan), The crops will wither if there is a drought. ting- n. dry season; v. be the dry season.
v. be given respite, an interval of rest. Ang daruhan nga gihuwáyan sa mais naulian, The field that was given a respite from corn regained its fertility. Huwáyi sà ang inyung pagpúnayg harána, Leave off your nightly serenading for a while; n. interval of rest. Trabáhu nga way húway, Work without respite. pa-, pa-(→) v. 1. rest, take a rest. Ipahuway (pahuwayun) níya ang íyang láwas, He will give his body a rest; 2. have eternal rest. Dúgay nang mipahuway ang íyang Lúlu, His grandfather has long been laid to his eternal rest; 3. retire from work. Mipahuway na ang tigúwang nga maistra, The old teacher has retired. lawak pa-an n. place one rests. igpa-r-, igpa-l- n. time to rest. Igpapahúlay (igpalahúlay) na rung urása, It’s now time to rest.
n. kind of woody, erect herb of open wastelands, of two species: — bayi edible sort of huláyà, the leaves of which are eaten fermented: Gynandropsis gynandra. — laki inedible, smelly type: Polanisia icosandra.
v. for the bottom or a piece of something horizontal to give way. Ang lamísa muhulbà ug tungtúngan ug bug-at, The table-top will give way if you put something heavy on it. Ang lubut sa kahun nahulbà kay bug-at ang gisulud, The bottom of the box gave way because something heavy was put inside it.
v. undo something tied, untie. Akuy mihulbad sa íyang gapus, I untied his ropes. Hubára nang panyù mung may súd nga kwarta, Undo your handkerchief which has the money in it.
v. shout loudly at. Hulbáwi ang táwu nga túa sa tapun sa sapà, Shout to the man who is at the opposite bank of the river; n. loud shout. ka-un a. feel like shouting.
v. give way, collapse under pressure. Sapnáya nang sáku kay nagkahulbù na, Carry that sack under your arms because the bottom has just about broken through. Hulbúun ku nang hubun mu niíning bunal, I’ll smash your fontanel with this club; 2. break the nodes inside a bamboo; n. particles of broken bamboo nodes.
v. 1. pull out something long from a place it has been inserted. Paghulbut ug baráha, Take a card. Mihulbut siyag sigarilyu, He pulled out a cigarette. Ayaw hulbúta ang hílu, Don’t pull the thread out. Hulbúta sa dì pa ka gul-an, Pull it out before you have your orgasm; 2. pick someone out from a group. Hulbúta lang siya sa kumpirinsiya. Dì lagi masukù, Just call him out of the conference. He won’t really mind; 3. abduct secretly, usually for liquidation. Gihulbut ang inpurmir sa mga Huks, The Huks abducted the informer. hulbuthulbut n. 1. drawing of lots; 2. a gambling game of drawing out rolled-up pieces of paper which are pasted to cardboard. A number is printed on each rolled piece of paper to be matched with winning numbers; v. play this game.
v. hold up, rob. Huld-apun ka giyug muági ka sa ngitngit, You’ll be held up if you go through a dark area; n. a. hold-up. -ir one who pulls hold-ups; v. become a hold-up artist.
n. kind of craps played with three dice; v. play this kind of craps.
a. holding in volleyball. Hulding kaáyu siyang mutús sa búla, He holds a lot when he hits the ball; v. commit the offense of holding in volleyball. Nahulding siya maung gipitúhan sa ripiri, He was holding the ball so the referee blew the whistle on him.
n. one who is most influential and feared in a certain place for his power and toughness (slang). Si Nardung Pútik mauy huldir sa Bilyagunsálu, Nardong Putik is the number one tough in Villagonzalo; v. become the number one tough in a place (slang). Ang tibuuk Pásil mauy íyang gihuldíran, He is the acknowledged number one tough in the whole Pasil district. istak — n. stockholder.
n. menace
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