v. attend to something and get it done. Si Pápa ang muhikutar (maghikutar) pagpangítag balay nga átung kabalhínan, Father will take care of looking for a house for us to move to. hikutádu a. taking great care, being very concerned. Ang purman hikutádu nga mahuman dáyun ang trabáhu, The foreman sees to it that the work gets done right away; v. get to be attentive to something.
v. do something stealthily to avoid being noticed. Muhíkuy siyag biyà sa báy magabíi, He sneaks out of the house at night.
see hiklad.
v. 1. move, do something slowly while at the same time wiggling the body. Naghílà siya sa dálan, She wiggled as she walked down the street. Ayaw hiláa (ihílà) ang ímung linihukan kay mu ra kag báyut, Don’t wiggle while you walk or you will look like a fairy; 2. wriggle staying in place or wriggle out of something Nagawas ang bátà sa banig kay mihílà man, The baby wriggled off the edge of the mat. Gihílà na lang sa ginápus ang íyang láwas arun muiskápu, The man that was tied wriggled around in order to escape; 3. cheat, swindle something out of someone (slang). Gihílà níla ang katigayúnan sa tigúlang, They swindled the property out of the old man. (→) n. an edible marine slug, usually found clinging to stones. hilàhilà n. general name for slugs and snails, land and marine. hilahílà v. 1. wriggle around; 2. remain seated, instead of working. Makahilàhílà ka kay daghan kag masúgù, You can afford to sit on your behind because you have lots of servants.
v. make a slash in flesh with something sharp. Hiláa ang pinaakan sa bitin ug padug-a, Slit the snakebite and let it bleed.
n. empty or smarting sensation in the stomach caused by hunger, fear, or acidity; v. feel a sharp revolting sensation on the pit of the stomach due to hunger, fear, etc. Naghílab ang ákung tiyan sa kagútum, My stomach hurts due to hunger. Mu rag hilábun ang ákung atay sa kakuyaw, I seem to feel a sharp pang in the pit of my stomach because of my fear. Muinum kug litsi basta hilában ku sa tiyan, I drink milk when my stomach hurts.
v. slice off a thin flat piece. Akuy muhilab sa isdà nga ipaun, I’ll slice off some of the flesh from the fish to use as bait. (→) n. the sharp edge of a blade.
adv. exceedingly
adv. too
see lábut.
n. 1. food put on ice to keep from spoiling; 2. drink made with scraped ice, sugar, water, and flavoring; 2a. see kahiláda, see kahil; v. 1. put food on ice to keep it from spoiling. Hiladáhun ang mga isdà arun dì madubuk, The fish will be put on ice so they will not spoil; 2. prepare iced drinks. hiladur n. one who puts food on ice.
n. cry
v. cry. Naghilak si Pitra kay gibyáan sa trátu, Petra wept because her boy friend left her. Dì nà ángayng hilákan, That’s not worth crying about. Wà na kuy lúhà nga ihílak, I have no more tears to cry. mag- ang panahun ug dílì (so-and-so) is sure to happen. Maghilak ang adlaw ug dílì siya mahubug, That’ll be the day when he doesn’t get drunk; n. 1. action of crying; 2. turn to cry. (→) see ma-(→). hilakhílak, hinilakay a. tear jerker. Ságad sa mga salídang Tagálug mga hilakhílak, Most Tagalog pictures are tear jerkers. -in-, pag-in- n. action of continuous crying. ka-un(→) feel like crying. ma-(→) a. given to crying easily. Mahilak kaáyu ning batáa, It doesn’t take much to make this child cry; v. be in constant tears. Ang nagmahilak kung kasingkásing, My heart which is constantly crying. pala-(→) a. crybaby.
v. 1. search for something by feeling about with the hands. Gihílam níya ang íyang pusil sa uluhan, He felt about for his gun on the headboard; 2. feel a surface in detail with the fingertips. Hiláma ákung úlu dì ba náay búkul, Feel my head and you will find a bump; 3. be at one’s disposal, available for an emergency. Wà giyud tay mahílam nga bugas, We can’t get our hands on any rice. paN- v. feel one’s way around in the dark. Misulud siya sa kwartu nagpanghilam sa ngitngit, He went into the room groping around in the dark.
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