n. lavatory
v. 1. wash someone’s face. Akuy muhilam-us sa bátà, I will wash the child’s face; 2. take insults, shame with equanimity without being unduly perturbed. Ihilam-us ku na lang ang ílang mga pangyúbit, I won’t pay any attention to their hoots of derision. paN- v. wash one’s face. Manghilam-us siya únà matúlug, She washes her face before going to bed. -ánan, paN-an n. vessel for washing the face.
n. weeds growing in a cultivated field. Ang mga hilamun makasáwut sa humay, Weeds stunt the growth of the rice.
a. 1. for an uncultivated, unpopulated area to be disease-infested or infested with supernatural beings. Hílan nga dapit ang gihátag sa gubyirnu, The land that the government gave was disease-infested forest land. Misum-uk sila sa hilan nga lasang, They came into a lonely and frightening forest; 2. place that is dangerous because of the type of people that live there. Hílan kaáyu ang Tundung puy-an. Daghang naglukluk nga kriminal, Tondo is a dangerous place to live. There are so many criminals around; v. 1. for a forest or thicket to become disease-infested; 2. for a place to become dangerous because of the bad types that infest it.
n. fever
n. fever. Taas kaáyu ang íyang hilánat, His fever is very high; v. have a fever. Gihilantan (mihilánat) ang bátà ganína sa buntag, The child had a fever (developed a fever) this morning. hilantan v. have a fever. Naghilantan ang bátà, The child has a fever. -un(→) a. feverish, about to have a fever.
a. for things in a row or woven to be further apart than they should be. Hilang ug ngípun, Having teeth far apart. Hilang pagkalála, Woven too loosely. Hilang pagkatanum ang mais, The corn was planted too far apart; v. be too far apart. Muhilang ang mga lugas sa mais ug way abúnu, The corn will bear ears lacking in kernels if it isn’t fertilized.
see hulangyud.
n. fever
v. 1. cut a wide slice off something Akuy muhílap sa karni nga kusahúsun, I’ll slice the meat to make it into jerked meat; 2. affect one’s feelings deeply. Daw hilápun ang ákung kasingkásing nga magsud-ung sa mga binyáan, I was touched to the depths of my heart looking at the abandoned children. ma-un a. touching deeply.
a. obscene, lewd. Hílas nga sini, Obscene movies. Hílas kaáyu kang manulti, You talk terribly lewdly; v. 1. be, become lewd, find something so. Gihilásan kung nagtan-aw ánang law-ay nga salída, I was revolted looking at that dirty movie; 2. make oneself revolting, ridiculous by doing something improper. Naghílas kag kanta mu rag dílì yabag, You are making yourself ridiculous singing off key like that. Gihilásan ku sa íyang hambug, I find it revolting the way he brags.
v. give someone a small share of something one has obtained. Gihilasan mig tagsa ka sipì sa íyang ságing, He gave us each a hand of bananas.
a. 1. uncooked, raw. Hilaw pa nang kan-un, The rice is still uncooked; 2. unripe, green. Aslum ang manggang hilaw, Green mangoes taste sour; 3. pale, light in color. Hilaw nga pagkapula ang pintal sa ílang balay, Their house is painted a pale red; 4. for one’s facial expression to be artificial and unnatural. Hilaw ang íyang pahiyum kay sad-an nákù siya, She gave me a forced smile because she had a guilty conscience for what she did to me. 4a. having an embarrassed expression on the face. Hilaw ang ílang dagway sa nasakpan sila, They had an embarrassed expression on their faces when they were caught; 5. in phrases: bibingka nga — n. woman’s genitalia. budbud nga — n. penis. — nga ayis ice that hasn’t frozen well, having a white soft part in the middle; v. 1. be halfway cooked, cook something halfway. Kinsay naghilaw sa paglútù sa kan-un? Who cooked the rice that is half done? 2. get an artificial, forced expression on the face; 3. get an embarrassed expression on the face; 4. be unripe, green. Ug mahilaw ang mangga ayawg ipakáun sa bátà, If the mango is green, don’t give it to the child to eat. tagilhaw a. not yet fully ripe.
adj. raw
adj. uncooked
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