v. cry out an announcement. Nagbandilyu ang písi nga kurpyu alas nuybi, The P.C. announced that the curfew was at nine; n. public announcement.
n. 1. flag, banner; 2. something flapping like a flag, visible for all to see. Bitára ang ímung kamisun kay nagdayag ang ímung bandíra, You pull your slip up because it (lit. flag) shows; v. 1. make into a flag, put a flag on. 2. put something in view; brandish a weapon, be in full view. Bandiráhan ku bítaw sa pinútì, dágan lagi, He ran away when I brandished my sword at him. Ímu mang gibandíra ang ímung kadautan, You are brandishing your wickedness for all to see; 2a. be very much above, ahead of everyone else. Labihan siyang namandíra (mibandíra) sa indigay, She was very much in the lead in the contest.
n. ornamental tuberous plant, name given to species of sagingsaging (Canna spp.) which have large orange, red, or white flowers.
see bandyu.
n. band majorette; v. become a band majorette.
n. group of people united for a common purpose.
v. spin a top, throw a spinning top. Ayaw bandúha ang ákung kumagkù, Don’t throw the top on my toe.
n. bundle of things tied together. Tagpíla ang bandul sa rilip? How much does a bundle of second-hand clothing cost? v. tie in a bundle. Bandúlun tang sugnud, Let’s bundle the firewood. -in- n. bank roll.
n. kind of spotted sea eel.
n. large boat to bring the net and fishermen out to the fishing grounds, consisting of a pair of smaller boats or a wide boat so made that a platform can be placed across it.
see banduríya.
n. 1. stringed instrument with 4 to 8 pairs of strings, played with a plectrum, with a long neck, a round steel-rimmed sound box covered with skin, and with a wooden resonator; 2. kind of fish; v. play a banduríya. banduryáhun n. kind of shark that resembles a bandurya when viewed from above.
see bagduy.
n. musical instrument similar to the banjo, but with 6 double strings and a shorter neck, about 10″ long; v. play this instrument. bandyubandyu n. kind of fish with long spines and a roundish body that resembles a banjo: Argyrops spinifer.
n. word used in writing to indicate the sound of an explosion.
a. foul smell of liquids that have stagnated or food that has spoiled because it has not been freely exposed to air; v. 1. become smelly due to stagnation. Mabang-ug ang kík ug dúgay nga gitaklúban, Cake which has been left covered tight too long develops a bad smell. Nagbang-ug ang túbig sa akwaryum, The water in the aquarium is stagnant and smelly; 2. be pent up too long and thus get rotten. Nabang-ug na lang ang íyang pagbátì kay wà níya ikapaháyag, She kept her feelings bottled up inside too long (lit. till they rotted).
a. 1. slow in comprehension, incompetent; 2. poor in quality. Bangà ning awtúha, This car is no good; v. be of poor quality. Ngánung mibangà (nabangà) man ang íyang inawayan karun? Why is his style of fighting lousy today?
a. boring; v. become bored, be fed up. Makabanga ning búhat nga mau ra gihápun adlaw-adlaw, Doing the same thing day after day makes one bored. Gibanga (gibanghan) na kaáyu kug kináun niíning isdà sa tibuuk simána, I am fed up eating this same fish the whole week long. ka- n. boredom, weariness.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z