n. ballot
n. 1. sled consisting of a shaft hitched to a draft animal and a platform dragged along the ground; 2. raft; v. 1. bring something with a sled or raft. Balsáha ang mabdus sa lungsud, Let the pregnant woman ride the sled to town. Ibalsa (balsáha) ang lubi sa tabuk, Send the coconuts across on a raft (or by tying them together into a raft). 2. do work with a sled or raft; 3. go s.w. on a sled, raft. Mabalsa ba ang tabuk? Can you reach the other side with a raft? 4. carry or lift a load. Makabalsa giyug daghang makáun si Tátay basta makadaug sa búwang, Father brings home a load of goodies when he wins at the cockfights. Gibalsa sa bána ang asáwa ug gibundak sa katri, The husband lifted his wife and threw her on the bed.
n. ferry
n. raft
n. ointment for the muscles of the type sold through SE Asia under the brand ‘Tiger Balm’.
n. waltz; v. waltz.
I don’t know. Balu lag háin siya, I don’t know where he is; v. see hi-/ha-. hi-/ha- v. 1. know something, how to do something Kahibalu ka bang mulanguy? Do you know how to swim? Nakahibáwu ku nga nagdaut ka, I found out you were sick. Dì ku gustung hibaw-an (hibal-an) ang tinagúan, I don’t want the secret to be known; 2. take care of a problem. Akuy mahibalu sa tanan, I’ll take care of everything. hibal-anay, hibaw-anay v. know something about each other. Naghibaw-anay kami sa ámung sikrítu, We know each other’s secrets. pahi- v. inform, announce; n. announcement. May pahibalu nga walay klási, There’s an announcement that there’ll be no classes. kahi- n. knowledge. May kahibalu aku sa makina, I have knowledge about engines. manggihibalúun a. learned.
n. a knot that easily comes undone by pulling at one end of the string; v. tie into a slip knot. Baluun kug higut ang listun, I’ll tie the lace in a slip knot.
n. garfish with upper and lower beaks of approximately the same size: Ablennis hians, Tylosurus crocodilus.
n. widow, widower; v. lose one’s spouse. manggibalúhan a widow or widower that tends to lose her or his spouse.
v. for supernatural beings, or persons acting like such to appear suddenly to frighten people. Baw-un nátù siya sa may dákit, Let’s scare him near the banyan tree.
v. feel shame and hurt from not being given something Nabálù ku kay aku ray wà tagái, You hurt me because you gave some to everybody but me. ka- feeling of shame and hurt for not being given something.
see balwarti.
1. (so-and-so) seemed unlikely, but that is what happened. Maáyu nátung libak níya. Balubálu dinhà ra sa átung luyu, We were talking about him. We didn’t expect it, but there he was in back of us. 2. actually, when in fact, the truth is otherwise. Pasukùsúkù kaáyu, balubálu nahigugma diay, She pretends to be angry when in fact she’s in love. Kusug kaáyung manulti, balubálu talawan, He talks big, but actually he is a coward; 3. despite the fact. Balubálung dakug grádu way batásan, You might be highly-educated, but you are ill-mannered.
see balubálu, 3.
n. kind of cream-colored wild pigeon: Ducula bicolor.
n. waves; a. curved, curled in a single upward curve. Balud siyag piluk, She has curly eyelashes; v. 1. be struck by waves. Malúnud nang sakayánag balurun ug kusug, That boat will sink if it is struck by big waves; 2. curl something upwards. Balura ang ímung kamut, Make your fingers bend upwards. (←) a. having high waves. Bálud run kay dúnay bagyu, There’s a huge surf because there’s a storm; v. 1. for there to be huge waves. Magbálud kag maglínaw manágat giyud siya, He goes to sea, whether there are huge waves or whether it is calm; 2. be caught in high seas. Gibálud kami didtu sa kinalawran, We were overtaken by high seas far out from shore.
a. something elongated that is bent or curved. Bawug kanang tubúha, That water pipe is bent. Ang balug mung piluk, Your curly eyelashes; n. something that is characteristically bent: a bow, the crosspiece of a kite, spring for a trap. (←) v. 1. bend into a curve, be bent. Magbáwug ku ug uway, I’ll bend some rattan. Mubáwug (mabáwug) ang káhuy basta hibug-atan sa búnga, The tree becomes bent if the fruits on it are too heavy; 2. make, use a bow or crosspiece of a kite, spring for a trap.
n. kind of small tree bearing pods with three to six marble-sized and shaped seeds; v. be like marbles in size. Namawugbug ang íyang singut sa pagtinarbáhu, He was sweating marbles from working so hard.
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