I don’t know. Balu lag háin siya, I don’t know where he is; v. see hi-/ha-. hi-/ha- v. 1. know something, how to do something Kahibalu ka bang mulanguy? Do you know how to swim? Nakahibáwu ku nga nagdaut ka, I found out you were sick. Dì ku gustung hibaw-an (hibal-an) ang tinagúan, I don’t want the secret to be known; 2. take care of a problem. Akuy mahibalu sa tanan, I’ll take care of everything. hibal-anay, hibaw-anay v. know something about each other. Naghibaw-anay kami sa ámung sikrítu, We know each other’s secrets. pahi- v. inform, announce; n. announcement. May pahibalu nga walay klási, There’s an announcement that there’ll be no classes. kahi- n. knowledge. May kahibalu aku sa makina, I have knowledge about engines. manggihibalúun a. learned.
n. widow, widower; v. lose one’s spouse. manggibalúhan a widow or widower that tends to lose her or his spouse.
n. garfish with upper and lower beaks of approximately the same size: Ablennis hians, Tylosurus crocodilus.
n. a knot that easily comes undone by pulling at one end of the string; v. tie into a slip knot. Baluun kug higut ang listun, I’ll tie the lace in a slip knot.
v. for supernatural beings, or persons acting like such to appear suddenly to frighten people. Baw-un nátù siya sa may dákit, Let’s scare him near the banyan tree.