v. 1. for long, thin things to stretch out: tendrils, flowers, sunrays, etc. Nagbukway na ang mga bánay sa mais, The corn tassels are spreading out now. Wà pa makabukway ang sílaw sa adlaw ug nakaligù na siya, He took his bath before the sun had spread its rays; 2. for the arms, tentacles to spread out and wave or wiggle. Mibukway ang mga gaway sa kugíta pagkakitag kaáway, The octopus spread his tentacles in all directions when he spotted an enemy; 3. in a game of takyan, to fail to hit the shuttlecock squarely and thus lose one’s turn to be served; n. 1. taro shoots before they develop leaves; 2. failure to return the serve in takyan.
n. kind of white, transparent jellyfish, round, growing to 9″ in diameter, with tentacles that inflict a slight sting.
see bukya.
n. mason jar, used as a measure for toddy.
n. kind of fish.
n. corn at the stage where it is almost but not quite mature and where the kernels are no longer soft. Maánag pa ang mais nga bul-an, Corn at the bul-an stage can still be roasted; v. for corn to reach the nearly mature stage.
blood pressure
v. 1. for water to rush in a flood. Naánud ang balay dihang hingbul-ugan sa túbig sa bahà, The house was washed away when it was caught in the onrush of the floodwaters; 2. for emotions, masses of things to surge forth; n. 1. rush of water in a flood; 2. rush of emotions, masses of things. Bul-ug sa kalúuy, A surge of pity. Bul-ug sa mga kaáway, The onrush of the enemy. ma-un a. onrushing. Mabul-úgung lúhà, Rushing tears.
(not without l) n. 1. ball; 2. game of ball. — dimánu n. cue ball in billiards; v. 1. form something into a ball; 2. play a ball game. bulabúla v. 1. make meat balls; 2. be bounced around like a ball. Ang sakayan gibulabúla sa dagkung balud, The boat was tossed about like a ball in the high seas; 3. for several persons to maul someone bouncing him around among themselves; n. 1. dish consisting of little meat balls; 2. plimsoll line, indicating the load line of a ship. -dur(→) n. ball player.
(not without l) n. drawing in a lottery; v. hold a drawing in a lottery.
(not without l) n. flattery; v. flatter. Ug ímu siyang buláhan (buláhun) túgut dáyun, If you flatter him, he’ll let you do it. -da see búla.
(not without l) v. heave something heavy onto someone’s shoulders. Ibúla (buláhun) ni nátù sa íyang abága, Let’s heave this onto his shoulders; n. action of heaving something onto one’s shoulders. Káda búla makadá kug siyin kílus, I can take one hundred kilograms on my shoulders at one time. -da see búla. -dur(→) n. one who heaves heavy things onto others’ backs.
n. bubble
n. bubbles, foam; a. foamy, forming bubbles. Bulà kaáyu ning sabúna, This soap forms lots of suds; v. form bubbles, foam. Nagbulà ang láway sa kabáyù, The horse is foaming at the mouth. — ang bàbà pagkáun eat one’s fill. Mibulà ang íyang bàbàg kináus kík, He had his fill of cake.
n. foam
n. froth
see balunábid.
see bungabung.
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