n. 1. general term for good-sized or large cowries; 2. unit of measure 2a. for a rice cake (bibingka). Tagbayinti ang bulálu sa bibingka, The bibingka are twenty cents each; 2b. a small-sized ball of cotton sewing thread; v. make into the size of the bulálu measure, sell by the bulálu.
(not without l) see bulálù.
n. 1. moon; 2. month. phases of the moon: patay, lunud ang — new moon. bag-u, bag-ung subang ang —, búhì ang —, bulhut sa punúan, primírung subang first day of the waxing crescent. subangsúbang, ikaduhang (ikatulung) subang waxing crescent. udtu nga — half moon, usually of the waxing moon. lákad second quarter (lit. going toward the noon position—so called because the moon is in the east when darkness falls). dail, daktul, takdul ang — full moon. primíru, ikaduhang piluk, dulum nga — first and second days of the third quarter. udtung lunud, kátin ang — half moon of the third quarter. himatayun ang — third quarter (lit. dying moon). bispiras sa himatayun last day before the new moon. shapes of the moon: inúlug amù waxing gibbous moon (lit. monkey’s head). hayà ang — crescent in a horizontal position. páyung sa — ring around the moon; v. be a month. Mubúlan nang wà mi magkítà, It’s been a month since we last saw each other. Wà pa mabúlan sukad si Tátay mamatay, It hasn’t been a month since Father died. Wà pa gánì makabúlan sukad pagtrabáhu nákù giumintuhan ku, It wasn’t even a month after I had started working that I was given a raise. Wà pa gánì ka buláni dinhi mupaúlì ka na? You haven’t been here a month and you want to go home already? Ugmang adláwa mauy ibúlan nákug puyù dinhi, Tomorrow it will make exactly a month that I have stayed here. (→) 1. hire a servant. Magbulan akug bátà pagtrápu sa kutsi, I’ll hire a child to keep the car washed. pa-(→) v. hire oneself, someone out as a servant. -in-(→) once a month, monthly. Binulan nga sakit, The monthly sickness (menstruation); v. do on a monthly basis. Ákù lang binulanun (ibinulan) ang ímung swildu, I’ll pay your salary once a month. -in-an(→) n. household help. -un a. 1. moonlight; 2. having weak vision (as if looking at things by moonlight). bulanbúlan 1. every month. Pila ímung dawátun bulanbúlan? How much do you receive every month? 2. kind of tarpon: Megalops cyprinoides; 3. kind of moon shell with edible flesh.
n. month
n. moon
v. push something into going forward, slip and fall down with feet forward. Nabulandus siya kay nakatunub ug pánit sa ságing, He slipped and fell because he stepped on a banana peel. Ibulandus ang kaban ilálum sa hagdan, Shove the trunk underneath the stairs.
n. event (fiesta or market) at which a cockfight is held; v. hold a cockfight. Magbúlang dinhi ug tábù, They hold cockfights here on market day. (→) n. gaff on a gamecock. paN- v. 1. attend a cockfight and bet; 2. for a cock to win in a fight. Pwirting pamúwang sa ákung manuk, My cock wins wherever he fights; 2a. for a man to win several wives in succession after his previous wife died (humorous). Giayran ang byúdu. Pwirti nang pagpamúwang, The widower has gotten himself a wife many times, but this time he was spurned; n. action of betting, attending cockfights to bet. Way kaláki ang pamúlang. Way daug, The betting at the cockfights was no good. We didn’t win a thing. -an(→) n. cockpit for holding cockfights. -ig-r-, ig-l- n. fighting cock.
v. 1. smash a hard object against something hard. Ang hubug mauy mibúlang sa básu dihà sa sáwug, The drunk smashed the glass on the floor. Nagbúlang ang duha ka trák, The two trucks smashed into each other. Bulángun ku ang inyung mga úlu, I’ll knock your heads together; 2. for two people to have a contest of hitting two examples of something against each other, each person hitting his against the other person’s in turn, to see who can break the other person’s. Makigbúlang ku nímug lubi, I will engage in a coconut-breaking contest with you.
n. cockpit
see bulahug.
(not without l) n. general term for all varieties of cassava: Manihot esculenta.
n. dish of various vegetables and meat originating in Tagalog regions.
see bulandus.
v. pull something out or away from something Ímung gibulanit ang hábul sa ímung pagkatúlug, You pulled the blanket away from me in your sleep.
see bulandus.
(not without l) n. 1. flywheel of a machine; 2. business not set in one place. tindáhan nga — small mobile store on wheels.
n. color combination of red, black, brown, and white in chickens.
(not without l) n. printed advertisements scattered from the air. úhas — see bulantis.
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