List of Cebuano words starting with the letter B - Page 100



v. lie on the back. Dì kung katúg ug magbay-ad. Tikungkung giyud, I can’t sleep on my back. I have to curl up. Ayaw bay-ára (ibay-ad) ang halígi sa agiánan, Don’t put the post down in the way.



n. kind of tree.



n. small-scale business of buying and reselling, usually elsewhere, with a profit; v. engage in this business.



v. 1. shake, rock something Mubay-ug siya sa dúyan, magdung-ag pa, She rocks the cradle and still has to do the cooking. Nabay-ug ang tibuuk Batanggas pagbutu sa Taal, The whole province of Batangas shook when Taal erupted; 2. shake out of complacency, break the peace and quiet. Nabay-ug ang tibuuk balángay sa balità, The whole village was shaken up by the news; 3. get bruised, rattled by being rocked or bumped into something Nagkabay-ug ang bábuy sa kataas sa ámung byáhi, The pig was all bruised and shaken after our long journey. Ayawg bay-úga nang mga mangga, Do not bruise the mangoes.



1. particle giving an admonitary tone; a. with an imperative: make sure that, better do. Hinumdumi bayà, You’d better remember. Sigurúa bayà ha, Make sure you do it! b. with a statement: watch out. Mamáak bayà nà, Watch out! He bites. Ikaw bayà ang nanghilabut, ayaw pamasángil, You touched it. Don’t try to make excuses. c. see bayáay; 2. particle with a statement or exclamation: (so-and-so) is different than it should be. Tiawtíaw ka bayà, You’re joking, though you shouldn’t be. Bayà, nagbinátà ka dihà, Hmm, you’re acting like a child. Kabuútan bayà nímu, How good of you, but you shouldn’t have. Bayang kusúga níyang midágan, mu rag unsáun siya, God! How he ran away. As if I were going to do something to him. ‘Panginum mu áning kúk, u.’—‘Busug pa bayà ku, bay,’ ‘Here, drink this coke.’—‘No thanks, I’m still full.’ 3. why should that be the case when ... Wà nay bugas? Nagpalit bayà aku gahápun, There’s no rice? Why? I just bought some yesterday; 4. particle conceding that something is the case which one didn’t think to be so. Nákug dì ka kamaung mulútù. Lamì bayà, I thought you didn’t know how to cook. But I must say it’s good. Pagkadakù bayà sa Manílà, I did not know Manila was this big. -ay(←) particle with a condition: a feared consequence will happen if the condition happens (had happened, were to happen). Bayáay (bayà) na man ug nasakpan pa ta. Prísu giyud, God! If we had been caught. It would have meant jail.



v. leave something exposed. Mga babáying bigáun nga mubayà sa ílang láwas sa kadaghánan, Lewd women who expose their bodies in public. Kinsa may nagbayà íning asúkar sa lamísa? Who left the sugar uncovered on the table? pa- v. pay something no mind. Mupabayà gánì ka sa ímung nigusyu, maalkansi ka giyud, If you neglect your business, you will surely lose. Pabay-i na lang ang ílang insultu, Don’t pay their insults any mind.



n. guava



n. guava: Psidium guajava. paN- v. 1. gather guava fruit. Adtu ta sa sapà mamayábas, Let’s gather guavas near the river; 2. have sexual intercourse (humorous). Ipamayábas ku ning ákung trátu arun dì makabuwag nákù, I’ll have sexual intercourse with my girl so she won’t break off with me. 3. monkey around instead of doing something seriously. Mamayábas ning batáa ug sugúun, This child plays around when he is told to do something -an n. place where guava trees abound. -in- pidgin, broken language; v. speak or write a language this way.












n. compensation



n. pay



n. remittance












v. 1. pay for something Nagbayad mig kinyintus káda búlan, We paid five hundred a month. Bayran ku lang ug písus ang gantang, I’ll just pay one peso for a ganta. Bayran ku ra siya, I’ll pay him. Pilay ibáyad? How much shall we pay? 2. pay a moral debt. Magbáyad ka sa ímung pag-insultu nákù, You’ll pay for your insults to me; n. 1. fee, charge. Way báyad ang gamayng bátà, There is no charge for small children; 2. amount which serves as payment. Pilay báyad sa bibingka? How much do we owe for the rice cakes? Báyad sa ímung kaáyu, In return for your goodness. balayranan, balayran, balaydan, balaydanan n. things to be paid for. ig-l/r-(→) n. amount to be paid. kabayáran n. recompense. Ang kwartang nasunud níya kabayáran sa íyang paghágù, The money she inherited was a recompense for her trouble; 2. retribution, punishment. paniN- n. just desert. Ang ímung pagkabilanggù panimáyad sa ímung kamaldítu, You got your just deserts when you went to jail. — sa útang a man’s daughter (humorous usage—from the notion that a man pays for his sins against women by what happens to his daughter: if he commits a sin against a woman, the same thing will happen to his daughter as punishment to him). balayrunun (balaydunun, bayrunun) n. amount to be paid off. Líbu pang balayrunun ku sa bangku, I still have one thousand pesos to pay off to the bank.

blood money

n. carfare

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