n. consciousness, awareness. Nawad-an siya sa animu, She lost consciousness. Walà intáwuy animu ang bána sa gibúhat sa asáwa, The husband has no idea of what his wife is doing.
n. anemia; v. get anemia. Káun ug atay arun dílì ka animyáhun, Eat liver so you won’t get anemia.
v. become visible. Mianínag ang usa ka hanap nga pahíyum sa íyang mga ngábil, A faint smile appeared on her lips. Wà pa manganínag ang adlaw, The sun had not yet appeared. Ang íyang nawung naaninágan sa ispat, Her face appeared in the rays of the flashlight.
v. 1. observe carefully. Gianínaw níya kun natúlug na ba ang tanan únà manáug, She looked carefully to see, listened carefully to hear, if everybody was asleep before going out; 2. come to sense something Samtang natagpilaw siya, nakaanínaw siyag kasíkas sa píkas lawak, As he was dozing off to sleep, he noticed a rustling sound in the next room. Naanínaw ku nga buntag na diay, I became aware that it was already morning; n. observation. Sa ákung anínaw wà siyay gustu nímu, I notice that she doesn’t like you.
short form: nindut a. nice, beautiful. Nindut ímung bistídu, You have a beautiful dress on. Kanindut sa pagkáun, What nice food! — nímu à sarcastic expression of disapproval. Nindut nímu à, ímung gilingkúran ang ákung kálù! How nice of you to sit on my hat! v. become, make something beautiful. Kinsay munindut (mupanindut) sa intabládu? Who will beautify the stage? Nindúta ang ímung diskursu, Make your talk fancy. ma- a. nice, beautiful.
(from síkad) n. kind of edible small conch which moves forward with a kicking-like motion.
(from singsing) n. ring finger.
middle finger
(from kíput) n. firefly. Makaiksplikar ka ngánung musíga ang aniníput? Can you explain why the firefly lights up? kità ug — see stars. Suntuk nga nakapakakità nákug aniníput, A blow that made me see stars. paN- v. see stars. Nanganiníput ákung panan-aw sa nasumbagan ku níya, I saw stars (lit. fireflies formed in my sight) when he struck me.
n. shadow
n. shadow. dakù ug — important, prominent person; v. cast a shadow on. Muanínu ang káhuy sa tanáman, The tree will cast a shadow on the garden. paN- v. reflect a certain feeling, for a feeling to reflect itself. Nanganínu ang kamatáyun sa íyang panagway (sa kamatáyun ang íyang panagway), Her face showed that she was a dying woman.
adj. shadowy
n. kind of vine producing oval pods covered with irritating hairs: Mucuna nigricans.
n. fennel; v. cook something with fennel. -ádu n. flavored with fennel; v. flavor something with fennel.
a. immaculately white and smooth. Anis-is nga pamánit, Smooth, fair complexion. Anis-is ang lángit, The sky is smooth and white; v. become, make smooth and white. Muanis-is ang bisting putig labhag Tayid, White clothing becomes immaculate if you wash it with Tide.
a. 1. honest; 2. in earnest. Ánis ka, way klási? You’re not kidding me, are you? There’s no classes today? v. be honest. Maánist man lang nà siya ug arayan ug bunal, He is honest only when they show him the whip. anisay v. play without a referee, agreeing to call the points honestly. Mag-anisay lang ta kay wà may muripiri, We’ll just play honestly since there’s no referee; n. playing without referee.
n. kind of shrub or small tree used for firewood: Securinaga flexuosa.
n. anesthesia; v. anesthetize. Parabir ka upirahan, anistisyáhun úsà ka, Before you are operated, you will be anesthetized.
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