pron. our
it's/they're ours
adj. confidential
[pron., first person inclusive, genitive or possessive case] our
n. awning
n. roof
v. 1. get close to something not easy to approach. Mu rag dílì muatráka sa kaláyu ang mga bumbíru, It looks as though the firemen will not get close to the fire. Dì ku kaatráka níya kay dátù, I feel ashamed to approach her because she is rich; 2. attack a job with dispatch. Ug dílì ka muatráka sa trabáhu, wà kay umintu, If you don’t do your work with dispatch, you won’t make progress. Atrakáha lang siya pagpaningil, Get in there and press her to pay you; 3. hold one’s own in a conversation. Burung. Dì kaatrákag kukabildu, She lacks social grace. She can’t keep a conversation going.
n. attraction
n. cynosure
n. attraction, something that appeals. Ang Luníta usa sa mga atraksiyun sa Manílà, The Luneta park is one of the attractions in Manila. Bisag unsáug arti, wà giyud kay atraksiyun, No matter how much you put on, you still don’t have sex-appeal.
a. attractive; v. become attractive.
n. 1. rear wheel. Nahyúsan mi sa atras, We had a flat tire in the rear; 2. rear part of vehicles. Adtu ikarga sa atras, Load it in the back; 3. reverse gear. Ang kambiyu dílì musulud sa atras, The gear won’t shift into reverse. — abanti a. sewing machine capable of forward and backward movement; v. 1. back up a vehicle. Iatras ang trák, Back the truck up. 2. back out of an agreement. Dì ku muatras sa átung sábut, I will not back out of our agreement; 3. give way, back off from. Dì ta ka atrásan, I won’t give ground to you.
a. late, not on time. Alas nuybi na, atrasádu ka kaáyu, It’s nine o’clock now. You’re very late; v. be, late. Atrasadúhun nátù ang átung paglarga, Let’s start late.
v. delay something Ayawg atrasara ang ákung paniudtu, Don’t delay my lunch. Unsa kahay naatrasahan ni Pípi? What could have delayed Pepe?
see atrasádu.
v. 1. see atrasar; 2. cause something to become delayed or get behindhand in fulfilling an obligation. Ug maatrásu ta ug duha ka adlaw, dakù ang multa, There is a big fine if you are two days delinquent; 3a. have done a wrong to someone which requires retribution. Nakaatrásu ka nákù, panimaslan ta ka, You have done me a wrong. I’ll get revenge; 3b. have a debt which one has failed to pay; n. 1a. delay. Ang atrásu nakapaalkansi námug dakù, The delay caused us great loss; 1b. fine imposed for a delay; 2. wrong done to someone Unsay atrásu nákù nímu? What wrong have I done you?
see atribir.
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