v. make something into portions for sale. Atarúha sa tagdus písus ang bábuy, Cut the pork into pieces and put them together into portions worth two pesos each; n. a portion for sale. Ang tabákù tagdiyis ang atáru, The tobacco leaves are ten cents a bundle.
v. 1. be sickly, retarded in growth after being made to do something before reaching the proper age. Maátas ang baktin kun sayung lutásun, The piglet will be stunted if you wean it prematurely; 2. wear out a razor blade. (→) a. worn out dull; v. get worn out. Muatas ang labáha, The razor will get dull.
see hantatalu.
n. 1. liver; 2. liver as the seat of emotions. makapakitbì, makapakúlù sa — makes the blood curdle. makapadakù sa — make something go to one’s head; 3. bàbà sa — n. pit of the stomach; v. hit in the liver. Giatay siya pagdunggab, He was stabbed in the liver.
n. illness of chicken; v. 1. be affected with chicken cholera. Walà ba atáya ang inyung manuk? Are not your chickens affected with chicken cholera? Atáyun ka untà, Why don’t you drop dead? 2. be, act in a way that arouses annoyance and disapproval. Giátay nang bayhána. Miápas na pud, That damn woman. She followed me again; 2a. gi- Damn! Giátay, mabdus na sad ku! Damn, I’m pregnant again! -l-un, -unun a. susceptible to chicken cholera.
n. liver
n. 1. pit of the stomach; 2. the hollow or fleshy part of the palm and its analogue in the foot. Natunuk siya sa atay-átay sa íyang tiil, He got a thorn in the arch of his sole; 3. kind of ornamental shrub with mottled red or green elliptic leaves and smooth margins: Graptophyllum pictum; v. be hit on the solar plexus or on the fleshy part of the palm or sole of the foot.
(from atubang) across, opposite. Ang íla atbang sa ámù, Their place is across from ours. — sa hángin where one can get the full benefit of the breeze; v. 1. be in the place across. Mag-atbang ang ílang balay, Their houses are across from each other. Atbángun ta silag lingkud, Let’s have them sit opposite each other; 2. be opponents. Atbángan ta ka bísag unsay partídu mu, I’ll be your opponent whatever your party is. pa- v. go to a place opposite someone so he can see you. Gipaatbángan ni Kurding ang gwápung laláki, Cording took a seat opposite the handsome young man. ka- n. opponent, rival. Kinsay ímung kaatbang sa tínis, sa pangulitáwu níya? Who is your opponent in tennis, rival in courting her?
v. 1. for emotions to surge up and burst forth. Miatbu ang ákung kalípay, My heart leaped with happiness. Bantay. Hiatbuhan ka unyà sa ákung kasukù, Watch out. I’ll blow up in anger at you; 2. for very fine particles to fly up and be scattered in the air. Nag-atbu ang duldul sa unlan, The kapok flew out of the pillow. Giatbúhan (gipaatbúhan) lang ku níya sa asu. Wà giyud mutubag, He just blew smoke in my face. He didn’t reply at all.
v. 1. fly up in thick quantities. Miatbug ang lángaw pag-itsa nákù sa basúra, The flies rose in a swarm when I threw out the garbage; 2. for emotions to burst forth.
n. atheist
see kulangkulang. see kúlang.
see tibalas.
(from bulátik) a. show-off, boastful; v. get something from someone by flattery or other verbal chicanery. Kahibáwu siyang muátik (mupaátik) ni Lúla, He’s good at getting things out of Grandma. Ayawg hátag kay giatíkan ka lang, Don’t give him any. He’s just putting you on to get something from you; n. 1. something said to get something from someone 2. pocket money (slang). atik-átik see átik, v. pa- v. 1. see átik; 2. show off. Ipaátik níya ang bag-u níyang kutsi, He will show off his new car.
v. 1. give something the attention that it requires. Dì siya makaatiman sa mga bátà, She cannot look after the children. Atimana ang ímung pagtuun, Tend to your studies; 2. keep up doing something Dì ku maatiman ning labhanan, daghan kaáyu, I can’t keep up with all this laundry.
n. kind of large fruit similar to the guayabana, but with yellowish flesh and a flat taste: Anona sp.
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