see witik.
n. waitress. Ngánung nangasáwa siya niánang witris? Why did he marry nothing but a waitress? v. be, become a waitress.
a. drooping of lips, with the lower lip hanging down; v. 1. get droopy lips; 2. chirp. Langgam nga nagwitwit sa mga kakahúyan, Birds chirping in the trees; 3. complain about something, criticizing. Wà kuy kawitwítan (ikawitwit) sa ímung ági, I can find nothing to complain about in your work; 4. spread bad things about others. Ang giwitwítan, miwitwit pud. Dì nahibáwu ang tanan, Whoever received the gossip passed it on, so eventually everybody learned of it; n. 1. chirping of the birds; 2. senseless talk. Ang íyang isturya pulus witwit, Her story is all so much idle chatter. -an(→) a. 1. given to complaining and criticizing; 2. given to passing on gossip.
v. push the sides apart to create an opening or to widen an opening. Wìwía ang bugang arun makaági ta, Push the grass aside so we can go through.
n. a vine that grows in thickets or cultivated to grow on fences: Merremia tuberosa.
v. stage a walkout. Muwuk-áwut ang mga maistra ug dílì usbáwan ug swildu, The teachers will stage a walkout if they don’t receive their salary increase.
n. walking contest.
n. walking, a violation in basketball where a player takes more than two steps while holding a ball; v. be guilty of committing this violation.
n. men’s briefs (from the brand name, Walker); v. wear briefs.
n. walkie-talkie; v. communicate with a walkie-talkie.
n. 1. one’s hand in mahjong; 2. see payil.
n. woolen cloth; v. wear something made of wool.
n. wallflower at a dance; v. wind up being a wallflower and not asked to dance.
see yungyung.
n. lyrics to a song; v. write the lyrics to a song.
n. student who works his way through school; v. be, become a working student. Dúgay kang mahuman basta magwurking ka, It will take you a long time to finish if you are a working student. — istyúdint see wurking.
v. dance with someone in a wild swaying manner. Nalípung ku kay giwuswús ku níyag sáyaw, I got dizzy because he danced wildly with me.
see wayawaya.
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