v. grin broadly (exposing the teeth); n. broad grin. Dakù kaáyug wangsat kay daúgan man, He’s grinning broadly because he won.
a. 1. having one or both the lips turned up such that it is impossible to close the mouth; 2. partly opened due to a cut with a side drawn up. Wangsì kaáyu ang íyang samad, She has a very wide cut; v. 1. get a wide cut or for something to get upturned. Nawangsì ang tibuuk kung kuku, My whole fingernail got turned up. 2. get opened, ajar. Muwangsì (mawangsì) ang sira kun maluag ang bisagra, The shutter won’t close tight if the hinges are loose; 3. tear something off, loose. Giwangsì níya ang bungbung, He tore off the wall boards.
n. old man (word play on tigúwang—slang. see gúlang).
v. chew something with the gums. Magwangut gánì ang masúsu sa bibirun sa átù pa katul na ang lagus, When an infant chews the nipple, it means that his gum itches. Wangutun (iwangut) sa ákung apuhan ang maskáda, My grandfather chews his tobacco with the gums.
v. enlarge an opening by cutting or pushing two things apart, be dilated, widely opened. Wangwángun sa mananabang ang agiánan sa bátà inigpanganak, The midwife dilates the passage for the baby during delivery. Ayaw wangwánga (iwangwang) pag-abli ang gít arun way makasulud nga bábuy, Do not open the gate wide or stray pigs will come in; n. wide opening made by pushing two things apart.
v. be put in a wrong place, be mislaid. Ayaw nà siya padad-ag paypay. Iwani na pud unyà nà, Don’t give her a fan to bring with her. She’ll just misplace it again.
a. in one instant, without any delay. Wanklik ra ning laytíra. Síga dáyun, With one click this lighter lights. Wanklik ra nang bayhána. Way daghang hangyù, That woman can be had instantly, no fuss and bother; v. do something in one fell swoop. Giwanklik lang ang íyang swildu sa súgal, He lost all of his money in one fell swoop in gambling.
v. 1. do something just for once. Muwantáyim giyud kug palit niánà bísag mahal, I’ll buy it even if it is expensive, just this one time; 2. do something all at one time. Wantaymun (wantayman) ta lag hákut arun usa ra ka byáhi, Let’s take it all at once so we only have to make one trip; a. something done just once or done all at one time.
n. 1. needed for employment. Wantid kaáyu ang trabahadur sa kunstruksiyun, They need a lot of workers on the construction; 1a. want ad. 2. one wanted for a crime; v. 1. be in need of an employee. Kinsa kahay nagwantid ug tindíra? Where was it they were needing a salesgirl? 2. become wanted for a crime.
n. 1. one-way street, trip. Dì ta makaági dihà kay wanwi nà, We can’t go that way because it’s a one-way street; 2. a mode of betting in jai-alai using two digits wherein only one specific combination wins (as opposed to the lyábi); v. 1. be, become one-way; 2. bet on something one way and not in a combination (lyábi).
see uwaping.
n. wafer; v. make, have wafers.
v. 1. throw something or someone down with force so that it breaks. Íya na untà nga iwarak ang kúlun sa kalágut, She was about to smash the pot to the ground in anger; 2. spike a ball in volleyball; n. a spike in volleyball.
v. scold continuously and loudly. Kusug kaáyung muwarakwarak si Mama ug madúgay ming mupaúlì, Mother scolds us continuously if we come home late; n. things said in scolding.
v. 1. go back and forth. Nagwaraswáras pa ra ba giyud atubángas bisíta, nanimáhù ra ba! She walked back and forth in front of the visitors, and to think that she had B.O.! 2. go in all directions hastily. Miwaraswáras si Kuring pagpangítà sa puldir nga nawálà, Coring went around in a dither looking for the lost folder.
v. wave the hands or something held in the hands back and forth. Miwarawára siya pagpahúnung sa awtu, He waved his hand to stop the car.
a. be gone, not in existence (colloquial). Waray na tay pagkáun, We have no more food. Ayaw na lang tu pangitáa, waray na tu, Don’t look for it anymore. It’s already lost. — gid none at all (humorous for walay gayud—from Samar-Leyte Bisayan waray and Hiligaynon gid). ‘Pilay kwarta mu?’—‘Waray gid!’ ‘How much money have you got on you?’—‘Not a red cent!’
n. 1. the language of Samar and Eastern Leyte, so called from the form waray used in most dialects of this language analogously to the Cebuano walà and walay; 2. one who comes from the Waray-speaking region; v. 1. be, become a Waray; 2. speak Waray. -in-, Waraywáray see waray, n1, v.. -nun see waray, n2.
n. hospital ward. see also píward and príward.
warning shouted when something heavy is going to fall: timber! gangway!
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