(from unsay ngálan) a. what? Unsingálan man nà? What is that? Unsingálan gud ning kagulyánga gud? What’s all this ruckus about anyway?
see unsingálan.
v. be, become sick after exposing oneself to the cold or taking a bath after having sexual intercourse. Ang pagkalígù human mukáyat makapaunsuy (makaunsuy), Taking a bath after having sexual intercourse can get you sick.
[deictic, demonstrative pron.] hopefully
short form: tà; 1. with requests or suggestions ‘should, would like to’. Muhulam untà ku ug kwarta nímu, I would like to borrow some money from you; 1a. may (so-and-so) happen. Mahúlug tà ka, I hope you fall! Dílì untà siya masaklit sa kamatáyun, May death not take him away. Dì tà ka magbinúang, I hope you don’t do anything foolish. hináut — I hope. Hináut untà nga dílì ka maghubug, I hope you do not get drunk; 2. (so-and-so) was going to be the case, but it isn’t; (so-and-so) might have happened, but it did not. Mugíkan na untà siya apan mibagyu, He was about to leave but there was a storm. maáyu — it would be (have been) better. Maáyu untà ug madala nímu rung hápun, It would be nice if you could bring it this afternoon. Nindut tà ug nadala pa nímu, It would have been nice if you had brought it. 2a. in the apodosis of conditions contrary to fact: then (so-and-so) would have been the case. Maáyung wà makagikan ang sakayan, kayg kagikan pa, malúnud untà, Thank God the boat didn’t leave, because if it had, it would have sunk. Walà untà ku muanhig wà pa ku imbitaha, I wouldn’t have come unless I had been invited. Ug aku pa, mahuman na tà run, I could have gotten it done, if I were to have been the one to do it. Dílì aku, kayg aku pa, nahuman na tà run, It wasn’t me, because if it were, it would have been done now. Ug ugmà pa giyud ang kasal naghíkay tà run, If the wedding were really going to be tomorrow, he would be preparing now. Ug aku pay kaslun magkapulíkì tà ku run, piru siya hayáhay lang, If it were me getting married, I’d be going crazy; but he’s just taking it easy; 2b. (so-and-so) should not be the case. Ngánung mutúlù man ning bangáa nga wà man untay sulud? Why does this jar leak when it is supposed to be empty? Háin man siyang nía man tà tu run? Where is he since he was supposed to be here? 2c. — kay because of (so-and-so), (such-and-such) should have been done. Untà kay gawíun nímu samtang wà siya dinhi, nananghid kang dáan, Since you wanted to use it while he was gone, you should have asked before he left.
[deictic, demonstrative pron.] hopefully
n. one of the four top front teeth; v. have one’s upper incisors. Lima pa ka búlan ning batáa apan giuntuhan na, The baby is only five months old but she already has upper teeth.
v. bear down hard as in delivery or defecation.
v. 1. bounce, cause something to do so. Maáyung muuntul ang gáhing búla, Hard balls bounce well; 2. rebound, fail to register or to take a firm hold on. Miuntul ang ákung gitun-an, dì na masulud sa ákung úlu, The things I studied won’t register in my head; 3. for checks to bounce. Miuntul ang tsíki nga ákung gipailísan sa bangku, The check that I cashed in the bank bounced; 4. be taken aback, stop in one’s tracks due to surprise. Miuntul (nauntul) ku pagkakità ku sa anínu, I was taken aback when I saw the shadow; 4a. have second thoughts about buying something Sa maung prisyu muuntul giyud ang pumapálit, At that price the buyers will surely have second thoughts; n. amount of bounce. untul-untul v. jounce, bounce up and down. Miuntul-untul ang sakayan sa dagkung balud, The boat was bounced around in the big waves. Muuntul-untul mulakaw ang tagabúkid bísan ug pátag na, Mountaineers bounce as they walk, even in the lowland. -um- nga humay n. kind of upland rice bearing fine, white grains that are hard to husk when pounded.
a. 1. cut close near the base. Untup kaáyung pagputul sa dagámi, The cornstalks were cut very close to the base; 2. curt, concise. Untup kaáyu siya ug tubag, His answers are very brief; 3. just the exact magnitude, amount. Untup kaáyu ang bugas nga lung-águn pára paniudtu, The rice is just enough for dinner; 3a. exactly at a certain time. Untup kaáyu nga alas syíti ang ímung pag-abut, You arrived exactly at seven; v. 1. cut something close to the base. Nagpangpang hinúun nang ímung tingkuy kay giuntup man pagkatupi, The nape of your neck looks as if there was a cliff above it because the hair was cut short there, but not above it. 1a. spin a top by throwing it straight down hard. Giuntúpan níya ang kasing sa kuntra ug nabuak kini, He smashed his top down on top of his opponent’s and broke it. 2. be, become short, curt. Mauntup ang ímung tubag ug wà kay láing ikasulti, Your answer will be short if you have nothing else to say; 3. be just exact or enough for. Ug mauntup ra ning ákung kwarta pára pamilíti wà na kuy ikapaínit, If my money is just enough for my fare, then I won’t have any more to buy snacks; 3a. arrive on time.
n. big, porcelain or enamel-coated, round plate; v. use this sort of plate.
see undù.
v. be cuckolded and unaware of it. Giuntuy lang intáwun ang inusinting bána sa marúnung níyang asáwa, The wife was making a fool out of her trusting husband.
one (used only in counting). Dì pa ka mulíhuk? Únu, dus, ... You’re not going to do it? O.K. One, two, ..; a. the best there is, second to none. Únu siyang musáyaw, He is the best dancer. — lus dús for there to be a fifty-fifty chance. Únu lus dús lag mabúhì ba ang naligsan, It’s a fifty-fifty chance that the victim will survive. numiru — n. number one, tops. Numiru únung palahúbug, Number one drunkard. Numiru únung mananagat, The best fisherman; v. give someone a first warning. Ákù ta na kang giunúhan, ha, Watch out. This is your first warning. — ug igù, syát v. hit in one shot. Unúhun kug igù kanang langgam sa káhuy, I will hit that bird in the tree with only one shot. walay — v. you can’t win, have no way to win people’s approval, for whichever way it is done, it will be wrong in their eyes. Wà giyud tay pagaunúhan (giunúhan) kay ug magdaginut tag gastu nganlan tag tihik, ug kusug pud tang mugastu ingnun tag gastadur, You can’t win. If you’re careful with your money they call you cheap. If you spend your money they call you a spendthrift.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z