n. 1. flesh. Unud sa báka, Cow’s flesh. Unud sa imbaw, The flesh of the clam. Unud sa mangga, The flesh of the mango. — sa ímung, íyang — one’s offspring (lit. flesh of one’s flesh). baligyà sa — v. practice prostitution (lit. sell one’s flesh). kalípay sa — sexual pleasure; 2. content, integral part within something Liking way unud, A cigar with no tobacco in it. Impanádang gamay ug unud, A meat pie with very little meat in it. 2a. content, meaning. Pangatarúngan nga way unud, Empty reasoning; v. 1. put on flesh, become fleshy. Nangunud na ang kamúti. Makálut na, The sweet potatoes have developed nice and fat. You can dig them up now. Giunuran na sad ang íyang láwas, He has gotten flesh back on his body; 2. give content or filler to something Dì ku muunud ug barut nga tabákù, I do not use a poor kind of tobacco in my pipe. Ilagà kunu ang giunud sa syúpaw, someone said they used rat meat as the filling for the Chinese sandwich. undan a. having flesh. see also undan. undánun, maundánun a. 1. fleshy, muscular; 2. pithy, full of substance or meaning. Undánun kaáyu ang ímung sulti, What you said is full of meaning. kaunuran n. flesh, muscles collectively. Nangúrug ang ákung kaunuran sa kalágut, My flesh trembled in anger. pa- n. filler, filling. Balahíbung gagmay ang paunud sa unlan, Pillows are stuffed with fine feathers; v. (A; c] use as filler. -nun a. pertaining to the flesh. -nung tingúhà carnal desire.
n. place where wild animals or birds habitually stay or go. Ang bábuy ihálas didtu lang níla atángi sa unugan, They lay in wait for wild pigs at the place they habitually pass; v. make a place into a lair.
v. beset, bother persistently at a particularly inconvenient time. Naatrasáwu na man gánì ku sa upisína, miunuk-únuk sab ning ulan pagbundak, I am already late to the office as it is, and here the rain is tying me up. Gipapha siyas trabáhu ug giunuk-únuk pag sakit, He was fired from his job, and that is when he had to get sick of all times. ma-un a. characterized with annoying persistence.
numeral six; v. see tulu. kan-uman sixty.
v. 1. stick to someone loyally, through thick and thin. Muúnung ku nímu sa mga kalisdánan ug kaharúhay, I’ll stick to you through thick and thin. Akù siyang giunúngan pagbilar, I stuck the wake out with him; 2. involve or implicate someone in a misdeed. Iúnung ku níya sa íyang mga salà, He wants to implicate me in his offenses; 3. stay with someone to take care of him. Muúnung kus mga bátà samtang nag-iskuyla sa syudad, I am going to the city to set up house for the children while they attend school there; 4. die with a fetus in the womb or in giving birth; n. 1. fetus in the womb of a mother or animal that died; 2. mother or animal that died while pregnant. Nadiskubrihan námung únung diay ang giíhaw, We discovered that the animal we slaughtered was pregnant. (→) n. see únung, n; v. mind what someone says or does. Dì ku mag-unung sa kasábà ni Nánay kay ági man lang nà, I don’t mind Mother’s scolding because it won’t last. Kamu ray alkansi ug ungnun ninyu ang mga tabìtábì, You only hurt yourselves if you mind idle talk. -an n. see unung, n2. ma-un a. devotedly sticking to someone through thick and thin.
n. one’s honor, reputation. Unur sa pamilya, The honor of the family.
see ánur.
a. honorable, decent. Unurabling pagkatáwu. Mutúman giyug sáad, An honorable man that keeps his word. Pangítà ug trabáhu nga bísag gamay rag swildu basta unurabli, Look for a job, even if it does not pay well, as long as it is decent.
n. honorary title. Si Míyur Búris gihímung unurári upisyal sa intirskulastik mit, Mayor Borres was made the honorary officer for the interscholastic meet; v. be conferred an honorary title.
n. honorarium.
n. a squall, sudden burst of heavy wind. — sa kinabúhì rigors of life; v. for there to be a strong gust of wind. Nag-unus nang dáan paglarga sa barkung natundag, There were already squalls when the boat that sank left the harbor. Giunus (giunusan) mi sa taliwálà sa lawud, We were caught by a squall in the middle of the sea.
see tris.
a. done alternately, not together; v. do one after another. Mag-unus-únus tag ihid, Let’s sneak out one at a time.
see nunut.
v. 1. for people or animals of the opposite sex to engage in horseplay with sexual overtones. Ang irù nga mangúwag kanúnayng mag-únut, Dogs in heat are constantly engaging in horseplay; 2. for two women to claw at each other and pull each other’s hair. Nagkaúnut ang duha ka babáyi tungud sa pangabubhu, The two women are clawing each other because of jealousy.
[time word or particle] later
[time word or particle] presently
short forms: unyà, nyà; 1. at a later time. Mukáun ku unyà, I will eat later. Unyà ra nà nákù buhátun, I will do it later. — nga (word referring to time) this [day, month, etc.] coming up. Unyang hápun, This afternoon (coming). Unyang alas dus, At two o’clock (this coming afternoon). — sa (day of week, month, year) next (so-and-so). Unyà sa Martis, Next Tuesday. Unyà sa sunud túig, Next year; 1a. matag karun ug — every now and then. Matag karun ug unyà mulìlì siya sa bintánà, He gets up every now and then to take a peep out of the window; 2. furthermore, in addition. Dúm kaáyu tu, unyà way búwang nakítà, It was very dark. And the moon was not out; 2a. then, the next thing that happens, happened. Mitan-aw siya nákù, unyà midágan, He looked at me, then he ran; 2b. also, the next thing in the conversation. Namisíta mi nímu. Unyà baligyáan ka námù ug tíkit sa bayli, We came to visit you. And also we would like to sell you a ticket to the dance; 2c. so? (urging speaker to continue). Unyà, naunsa na man tung amahan? So, what became of the father? 2d. nevertheless. Gidid-an siya sa duktǔr. Unyà, muinum siya gihápun, The doctor forbade him to drink. But nevertheless he still drinks anyway; 3. particle giving a warning: lest. Hílak nyà arun latiguhun ka nákù, Cry and I will whip you; 4. [verb base, noun, adj.] — it is (so-and-so), my foot. Pangadyì unyà. Bisag mitan-awg sini, He’s attending prayers, my foot! He went to the show. Bag-u unyà. Bísag sa tyimpu pa nang mampur, New, my foot! It’s older than the hills. Báka unyà, bisag irù, What do you mean beef? This is dog meat; n. when you get to doing it (coitus) (humorous). Kinahanglang mutúu ka sa ímung asáwa, kay ag unyà, You have to do what your wife tells you because you are going to get you-know-what from her. unyaunyà v. put off doing something to a later time. Dì ku muunyaunyà ug unsay isúgù nákù, I won’t put off what I am told to do.
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