a. 1. thirsty. Maay tag náay túbig kay uhaw kaáyu, It would be nice if there were water because I’m very thirsty; 1a. having a strong craving. Uhaw ku sa lawasnung kalípay, I’m hungry for pleasures of the body; 2. devoid. Kinabúhing uhaw sa kalípay, A life devoid of happiness; n. thirst; v. 1. be thirsty. Ug akuy uhawun muúgum lang kug kandi, If I feel thirsty, I’ll just put a piece of candy in my mouth; 2. feel a longing, craving. Giuhaw aku sa pagpanggà sa inahan, I thirst for a mother’s love. hiN- v. quench the thirst; n. something to quench the thirst. ka- n. 1. thirst; 1a. craving; 2. emptiness.
n. thirst
n. kind of big parrot fish about 2′ long and 8″ wide, having blue-green scales on the dorsal region and whitish-yellow scales on the ventral region.
n. seed-bearing panicle (e.g. as of rice but not corn); v. 1. harvest something by just taking the whole panicle. Uhayun nátù ang pag-áni sa humay, We’ll harvest the rice by panicles; 2. grow panicles. Miuhay (nanguhay, giuhayan) na ang átung humay, Our rice is bearing panicles now.
n. centipede
see ulahípan.
n. fungus
as expected. Ug uhù da man, miguwang mananáug si Ilurdi, As expected, Elorde came out the winner. Uhù túud, namatay ang masakitun, Just as one would expect, the patient died.
before (do)ing. Úhù ka mutubag, panigurúa únag hustu ka, Before you give your answer, make sure you are right. — pa 1. wait a minute. Úhù pa kay nagkaun pa ku, Just a minute. I’m still eating; 2. just a second, to change the subject. Úhù pa diay, nagdá ba tu kug bág? By the way, did I have my bag along?
so, I caught you. Uhú, sayup na pud ka, Aha, you made a mistake again. Uhú, dáan pa lagi ku, Aha! Just as I thought. Uhú, pildi diay ka, Aha! So you lost!
word representing the sound of coughing.
see uhú.
n. kind of white mushroom. mudugù pay — harder than getting blood out of a mushroom, said of women past child-bearing age who are not likely to menstruate or of people who are cheap. Tihik siya kaáyu. Mudugù pay úhung, He’s terribly cheap. It’s easier to get blood out of a stone (lit. mushroom); v. cook this kind of mushroom. -an(→) n. place where mushrooms grow readily.
n. straw of rice or other grain-bearing grasses; v. be reduced to straw, become all straw. Miuhut (nauhut, nag-uhut) ang humay kay gikaun sa máya ang mga lugas, The rice plant became all straw because the ricebirds ate the grains.
see uluk.
n. cockroach
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