n. 1. sleeveless undershirt worn by women; 2. men’s sleeveless undershirt of similar shape; v. wear this garment. Náa nay brá. Magsandu pa giyud, Are you going to wear chemise over your bra?
(from usa and dugù) n. blood compact; v. make a blood compact. Nagsandúgù sila si Ligaspi ug Sikatúna, Legaspi and Sikatuna made a blood compact.
v. scoop something out or off of. Sandúkun ta ning lápuk sa kanal arun makaagi ang túbig, We will scoop out the mud from the ditch so the water can pass through; n. 1. scoop; 2. utensil used to scoop rice from the pot; 3. a scoopful. Butangi ug tulu ka sanduk balas, Put in three shovelfuls of sand. ig-l- see sanduk, n1, 2.
see sindul.
n. cooked cereals, usually corn, with sweet potato mixed in; v. cook rice or corn with sweet potato. -in- v. see sanduluy.
a. intimate. Sandúrut kaáyu silang amigúha, They are very intimate friends; v. be, become intimate with someone Dílì ku makigsandúrut ug tabian, I don’t want to become intimate with gossipmongers. ma-in-un, ma-un a. friendly, done as would be done to a friend. Masinandurútun nga pagabiábi, Entertaining in a most friendly manner. maki-un a. friendly, tending to treat people amiably. Sayun ra siyang pakigsabútan kay makisandurútun man, It is easy to make an agreement with him because he is amiable. ka- n. one with whom one is on intimate terms.
v. scurry about in all directions. Misandùsandù ang mga humígas pagpangítag makáun, The ants scurried about looking for food. Nagsandùsandù mig dágan paglínug, We ran every which way when the earthquake struck.
see sa, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (dialectal).
v. be strewn all over, be in disarray. Nagsáng ang mga butang sa íyang lamísa, The things on his table are all in disarray.
v. 1. put something up s.w. Isang-at ni dihà sa paril arun dílì maabut sa irù, Put this on top of the fence so the dog cannot get at it. 2. file a suit or complaint in court or petition with the proper authorities. Ang piskal mauy nagsang-at sa kíha imbis ang tagtúngud, The district attorney filed the complaint in place of the aggrieved party. hi-/ha- v. 1 be put up high; 2. for success or something that one desires to be located s.w. (literary). Anhà sa paningkámut mahisang-at ang ímung kalampúsan, Your success rests on hard work. -anan n. shelf, usually higher than shoulder-level.
v. file
v. carry something on or sling over the shoulders. Nagsang-ayg bátà, Carrying a child on one shoulder. Isang-ay (sang-áya) ang malíta, Carry the suitcase on your shoulder.
n. 1. branch, limb of a tree. Ang langgam nagbatug sa sanga, The bird perched on a branch; 2. lateral extension of a road or path. Sa tuung sanga sa dálan, On the right branch of the path; 3. fork of a slingshot; 4. bamboo or wooden hook attached to a rope used to draw up a fish trap from the water; 5. an extra finger or toe in addition to the normal five. — nga buhatan branch office; v. 1. have or grow a branch. Ang mais dílì musanga, Corn doesn’t grow branches; 2. for the road to fork. Inig-abut sa nagsangang karsáda, disilya, When you get to the fork in the road, take the left. — ang dílà v. be fierce and violent (like a snake with a forked tongue). Musúkul giyud ku nímu bísag nagsanga pa nang ímung dílà, I’ll fight back against you even if you are fierce and violent. — ang tinggil a. for a woman to have sexual appetite (lit. have a forked clitoris). (←) v. see sanga, v. sangasanga v. fell a tree branch by branch. sanghan a. having an extra finger or toe branching off. kinasang-an n. 1. the place where the road forks off; 2. crotch of a tree branch.
n. agency
n. branch
n. limb
n. tributary
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