List of Cebuano words starting with the letter S - Page 24



v. graze. Túa sa lagúna nanabsab, It’s in the pasture grazing. Háin áning kandínga nagsabsab sa misítas? Which of these goats ate the ornamental plants?






v. 1. catch something against an obstruction. Bantay kay musabud ang ímung tiil sa tiil sa lamísa, Watch out or you will hit your foot against the table. Nasabdan ang misitíra sa íyang sáya, Her skirt accidentally caught against the flower pot; 2. trip, cause someone to stumble. Kinsay nagsabud sa ákung tiil? Who tripped me (lit. my foot)? 2a. make a slip, trip up. Bisag unsáun nátug amping sa átung trabáhu, musabud giyud ta usáhay, No matter how careful we are, we can’t help making a mistake once in a while; 3. be delayed. Didtu na pud ka masabud sa bilyaran! You’re late again because you played billiards. walay — without offering obstruction. Way sabud nga pagkasyát, A basketball shot that went in without touching the ring. Pilipínu, apan way sabud ang íyang dílang musultig Ininglis, He’s a Filipino, but he can speak English with the greatest of fluency. (←) a. cumbersome, giving hindrance to movement. Ubang bátà, dì layhan ug taas nga karsúnis kay sábud kunu, Some children don’t like long pants because they’re cumbersome.



v. 1. sow, sprinkle seeds on a bed. Ang dáwang ákung isábud, The millet I am going to sow; 2. feed chickens by sprinkling grains on the ground; n. action of throwing grains. Ákù rung sábud sa manuk, It’s my turn to feed the chickens. (→) 1. grain to strew to fowls; 2. see saburan. saburan n. seedbed where seeds are sprinkled for germination.

sabug, sábug


usually, most commonly (so-and-so) rather than something else. Sabug siyang muanhi sa upisína maalas utsu, He usually comes to the office at eight o’clock. Sabug sa ákung midiyas putì, Most of my socks are white. ma- see sabug.



see bulsa (slang).



(from bulag) v. strew, scatter out. Nahisabúlag ang mga libru nga ákung gikaptan dihang gipakuratan ku, The books I was carrying fell in all different directions when someone frightened me.



v. strew, sprinkle something small. Kinsay nagsabúlak ug pasì sa mais sa ákung gardin? Who strewed corn grains in my garden? Sabuláki ug kinudkud kísu ang sud-an, Sprinkle grated cheese on the food.



n. 1. soap; 2. intense scolding; v. 1. soap something Sabnig maáyu ang kamisin kay nagkagrása, Soap the undershirt well because it is smeared with grease; 2. be severely scolded. Nasabun (nasabunan) ku. Ikaw man gud, I got a good scolding because of you. -in-an n. something onto which soap has been rubbed.



n. cockfight, usually without gaffs; v. 1. fight cocks. Sabúngan ku nang ímung ugis sa ákung pula, I will try out my red cock on your white one; 2. pair off people, usually in a love match. pa-a let (subject) have a light from a burning cigarette. Pasabúnga ku bi, Let me have a light. -íru, maN-r-(←) n. one who fights cocks.



adj. soap



see suburnu.















v. 1. understand. Walà ka makasabut kay dílì man ka musabut, You didn’t understand because you don’t want to understand. Ayaw ug sabta ug láin ug dì ku muadtu sa inyu, Don’t take it wrong if I do not go to your place; 2. sense, be vaguely aware of something Midágan ang irù kay nakasabut nga iháwun siya, The dog ran away because he sensed that he would be slaughtered. Hingsabtan ming Máma nga manan-aw mig sini, Mama became aware that we were planning to go to the movies; 3. obey, do what one was told to do. Bísag sáun nímug ingun dì giyud nà siya musabut, No matter how much you tell him, he won’t obey; n. one’s way of understanding. Sa ákung sabut, dì na tu mubálik, As I understand it, he won’t come back. interjection 1. I don’t know (giving a curt tone). ‘Kahibáwu kag háin si Tatay?’—‘Sabut,’ ‘Do you know where Father is?’—‘Nope.’ Sabút uruy níya ug mukúyug ba siya, I don’t know about him, if he is going; 2. understand? (short for nakasabut ka?) (←) v. 1. make, come to an agreement with someone Magsábut tag unsáun nátù pagbáyad sa útang, Let’s agree on how to pay the debt. Nagkasábut na ba mu si Pidru báhin sa pagbáhin sa yútà? Have you come to an agreement with Pedro about how the land is to be divided? Ikay makigsábut ni Binut kay kamuy amígu, You make the agreement with Benot because you two are friends. Unsay inyung gikasabútan? What agreement did you make? Lisud kang igkasábut kay dì ka mutúman, It’s impossible to have an agreement with you because you don’t stick to your promises; 2. talk s.t over to reach something mutually agreeable. Magsábut lang unyà ta ug pilay bayranan, We’ll come to an agreement later on the price. Mahímù pang sabútun ang inyung gikasungían, You can still talk your quarrel over. Sabúti siya ug musugut ba, Have a talk with him to see if he is amenable. Dì siya ikasábut kay dì mamínaw ug rasun, You can’t come to terms with him because he doesn’t listen to reason; 3. conspire, be in cahoots, make special arrangements with someone Nagsábut ning duha kay paríhu ug pamasángil, The two are in cahoots because they have the same alibi. Sabútun nákù ang gwardiya arun mu paagíun, I will make arrangements with the guard so that you will be allowed to pass; 4. hit it off. Nagkasábut dáyun ning duha kay paríhu sila ug sabaw, The two hit it off nicely because they are both of the same ilk; n. agreement reached. pa- v. 1. show, give indications of doing something Dì ka mupasabut nga nangísug ka, Don’t show that you are angry; 2. explain to make someone understand something Pasabta ku ngánung kining sumáhay miguwà, Explain to me why this sum appeared. Unsa may ímung ipasabut ánà? What do you mean by that? -in-(←), sinabtanay, sinabtánay v. understand each other’s viewpoint. ka-(←) n. person with whom one has an agreement. ka-an(←) n. agreement, pact. Ang kasabútan báhin sa nigusyu nakahátag ug dakung pabur sa Pilipínas, The trade agreement gave the Philippines a big advantage. -l-an(←) n. mind, intellect. Háit ug salabútan si Míri kay húmuk siya makasabut, Mary has a keen mind because she easily understands. paN- see sabut, n. salabtunun a. meaningful, giving hidden meaning. Mau tuy ímung nadungug apan sabtunun (salabtunun) tu kaáyu, That’s what you heard but it was full of hidden meaning. masinabtánun, masinabútun a. considerate, understanding.



n. caucus



n. conference



n. negotiations

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