n. carapace of a sea turtle, or similar material from a carabao horn, used for making combs. sudlayng — turtle-shell comb.
see saysinta.
n. something tapered and thin, used as a wedge to hold something tightly in place. Ayaw ug nipsa ang sisip arun dílì mahalù dáyun ang pul-an, Don’t make the wedge thin so the handle will not come loose easily; v. put, make into a small wedge.
n. guise
n. guitar
n. guitar; v. play a guitar. Kaantígu kang musista (manista)? Do you know how to play the guitar? maN-r- n. guitar player. paN- n. art of guitar playing.
n. system
what really makes it bad is... Walà lang untà tuy kásung gigisìgisì. Ang sisti (nakasisti) kay gisúnug man sab, It really wouldn’t have mattered if it had only been torn to pieces, but the thing that really is bad is that it was burnt too. Way kásu kanang samára, ang sisti (nakasisti) lang, ug ímung pasagdan, Don’t worry about that wound. It’s only something to worry about if you don’t take care of it; v. see sisti.
n. system, way in which something is done. Bag-ung sistíma sa pagtudlug ininglis, A new system for teaching English; v. do something in a sensible or systematic way. Sistimáha nà ug búhat, unáhun ri, isunud tu, Do it in a systematic way: This first, next that, and so forth. -tiku(→) a. done in a systematic, sensible way.
see sistusumyásis.
n. schistosomiasis; v. be afflicted with schistosomiasis.
n. see-saw; v. play on, make into a see-saw.
n. session, the meeting of members of a body to transact business; v. hold a session.
n. 1. set of dishes, furniture, mahjong, and the like; 2. in mahjong a set of three consecutive numbers (siyà) or a set of three pieces of the same number (tríyu); v. obtain a set of something.
v. adjust the time of a timepiece. Isít ang rilu inigpítu, Set the clock when the siren sounds.
v. set the hair. Rúla ang ímung buhuk usà isít (síta), Roll your hair on curlers before you set it.
n. letter z.
v. express or cite something Nausab ang íyang hunàhúnà human ku makasitar sa ákung túyù, He changed his mind after I had expressed my purpose. Bi, sitari ku ug usa ka higayun diin walà ka mapildi, All right, give me an instance where you did not lose. Hala, isitar ang prisyu ug pila man gáling nà, All right, tell me the price. How much could it be.
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