adj. secure
adj. sure
adv. surely
1. sure. ‘Muadtu ka sa bayli rung gabíi?’—‘Sigúru!’ ‘Will you go to the dance tonight?’—‘Sure!’ Uu, sigúru kaáyu ku nga mau nay íyang gisulti, Yes, I am very sure that that is what he said. Way sigúru ang ímung kaugmáun, Your future is uncertain; 1a. butang sa — make sure of something Ug makig-áway ka, ibutang sa sigúru nga náa ka sa bintáhà, If you pick fights, make sure you have the upper hand; 2. most likely, probably. Dì lang ku musulti apan muanhi sigúru tu siya, I won’t say for sure, but he probably will come; v. 1. do something without fail; be sure of doing or obtaining something Musigúru (manigúru) ka ug anhi sa may mga alas unsi, Come without fail at about eleven o’clock. Sigurúun ta ni ug báwì kay makalimut siya nyà ug úlì, Let’s be sure to take this back because he might forget to return it. 2. take for granted, that something will happen. Ayaw kug sigurúa, kay wà ka kahibáwu sa ákung abilidad, Don’t be too sure of me because you don’t know my ability; 3. be sure to do something for oneself not minding or considering others. Misigúru (nanigúru) siyag lingkud kay daghang pasahíru, He made sure to get himself a seat because there were lots of passengers; 4. insure something Way kumpaníya musigúru sa ímung balay nga dáan kaáyu, No company will insure your house. It’s so old; n. 1. insurance. Sitinta písus mátag túig ang ákung balayran sa sigúru, My insurance is twenty pesos a year. — dibída life insurance; 2. insurance company. Ang Pil-am usa sa mga dagkung sigúru dinhi sa Pilipínas, Phil-Am is one of the big insurance companies in the Philippines. kasigurúhan, kasigurúan n. 1. assurance. Walay kasigurúan tung átung hangyù, There’s no assurance that our request will be granted; 2. protection, safety from something Álang sa kasigurúan sa pangláwas mu, inum sa Tunikun, For the protection of your health, drink Tonicon.
(from walu) n. a deadly snake of shallow sea water. A victim is generally given only eight hours to live. If he survives he is given another eight days, then eight weeks, and so forth. Cf. tagiwálu under walu.
a. 1. transparent or translucent. Sihag kaáyu siyag bláwus, She has a blouse on you can see through; 2. clearly visible through something Sihag na ang kadaúgan, The glow of victory is visible at the end of the tunnel; v. 1. be, become transparent or translucent. Musihag ang papil ug duhígan ug asíti, Paper becomes translucent if oil is smeared on it. 1a. be, become apparent, clear, understandable. Kalit nga misihag sa ákung panumdúman ang buut níyang ipasabut, It suddenly dawned on me what she meant; 2. be visible through something Misihag ang lángit sa buslut sa atup, The sky shone through the hole in the roof. paN- v. 1. read the past, present, or future through some magic article or power. Kahibáwu man kung muabut mu kay gipanihag (gipanihagan) man nákù, I knew that you were coming because I saw it in my crystal ball; 2. wear something people can see through. Uy nanihag ka kay wà ka tingáli magkamisun, People can see right through your clothes because you are apparently not wearing a slip; n. crystal ball or power by which one can read the past, future, or a person’s thoughts. panihagsíhag ang tutunlan v. be very beautiful (lit. for the throat to be white and transparent). Daghang mga laláki ang nabatubaláni sa babáying nanihagsíhag ang tutunlan, Many men became magnetized by that beautiful woman. sihagsíhag, sihagsihágan n. kind of very tiny fish made into salted preserves.
n. nerite snails.
n. kind of small fish trap made of flexible vines, used to scoop small fish from shallow waters. (←) v. fish with the sihud. Kalita pagkabù ang isdà ug magsíhud ka, Pull the trap up with a jerk when you fish with a sihud.
see ugud, except after ra.
1. where did or does? Siin man paingun ag irù? Where did the dog go? Siin man siya iskuyla? Where does he go to school? 2. which (of several)? Siin man íning duha ímung gustu? Which of the two do you like?
abbreviation for sikritaryu, secretary.
see sikàsikà. sikàsikà v. talk harshly and loudly in giving commands. Gisikàsikaan ang suluguun sa dunya, The lady shouted at the maid, giving her one order after another. sikàsikaun a. disrespectful in speech.
v. 1. propel something with the feet, bending the knees and kicking the legs. Sikári ang síya arun dílì na lang nákù kuháun, Kick the chair over here so I don’t have to get it. 2. pedal. Kumpása ug síkad ang makina, Pedal the sewing machine rhythmically; 3. have two fighting cocks spar by holding them by the tail and allowing their legs to scratch or kick the ground. Kanúnayng isíkad ang manuk arun lig-un ang tiil, Always have the cock spar to make its legs strong; 3a. — ang manuk for a candidate for a woman’s hand to say his piece. Dílì maáyung musíkad ang ákung manuk kay wà sugta, My man doesn’t know how to talk to women because he was unsuccessful. (→) see aninikad. pa- v. base an argument or belief. Ayawg ipasíkad ang ímung hukum sa mga tabìtábì, Don’t base your decision on gossip. pina- n. based on. Panglíhuk nga pinasíkad sa maáyung pamatásan, Behavior that is based on good manners. paN- v. 1. push with the feet exerting effort; 2a. kick the ground, as if eager to fight. Ag túru nagpanikad kay gustu nang muhasmag nákù, The bull is pawing the ground because it wants to charge me. 2b. be very eager to do something Nagpanikad siya ug adtu sa Manílà, He is very eager to go to Manila. -um-(→) v. originate, start from. Ang ílang áway nagsumikad sa pagbáhin sa irinsiya, Their quarrel started from the apportioning of the inheritance. sikadsikad, aN-r-(→) see aninikad.
n. 1. second in rank, prize, sequence. Akuy síkan, bayinti ang ákung prayis, I was the second. I got twenty pesos as a prize. — bis second base of baseball. — grid second grade. — han second hand. — hap second half of a game. — plís second place. — plísir one who placed second. — rawun second round in boxing. — yir second year of high school or college; v. obtain, get to be the second place. — dimusyun v. second the motion.
n. a boxer’s second.
(from upat) n. a coin of Spanish times originally worth a quarter of a peso, but ten centavos in the 1900’s.
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