see ung-ung, n1.
v. 1. drown, get drowned. Naglumus siya kay nadispirádu, She drowned herself because she got frustrated in love. Gidaghanun sa tubà nga makalumus (makapalumus), Enough toddy to drown you. Lumsan tikaw sa subà, animála ka, I’ll drown you in the river, you beast! Subang nalumsan níya, The river he drowned in. 1a. — sa sabaw v. disappear into thin air (usually said of a father deserting a family). Nalumus sa sabaw ang amahan niíning batáa, The father of this child disappeared into thin air; 2. for an engine to get flooded with fuel. Dì muandar ang makina kay nalumus, The engine won’t start because it’s flooded; 3. suffocate, choke in an embrace. Hápit ku malumus sa íyang gakus, I almost suffocated to death in her embrace; 4. overwhelm with feelings. Kaguul nga milumus sa kasingkásing, A heart drowned in grief.
n. general term for lichens or algae of the sort that attach themselves; v. 1. be covered with moss or seaweed. Gilumútan ang lubut sa tangki, The water tank is covered with algae on the bottom; 2. be left idle (until moss covers it). Gilumútan na lang siya, dága lang gihápun, The years have come and gone, but she remains single. -un a. covered with moss or green seaweeds. lumutlumut n. tiny lichens which grow on the trunks of palms and other trees, or on the sides of water containers not cleaned, greenish in color.
a. soft and delicate, not rigid. Lúmuy (lumuy) ang buktun sa way trabáhu, One who doesn’t work has soft arms. Lumuy nga tsíku, A soft sapodilla; v. 1. become soft and delicate, not rigid; 2. become momentarily weak on experiencing a great emotion. Nalúmuy ku pagkabatì nákung nakadaug ku sa swipstik, My legs gave way when I heard that I won the sweepstakes. (→) n. a breed of pigs that easily grows fat, and with soft and thin skin. lumyan n. variety of jackfruit (nangkà) the flesh of which is soft, sweet, and juicy with no dry pulp.
n. lawn. -máwir lawn mower; v. cut the grass with a lawn mower. Nindut nag lún kay ákung gilunmáwir, The lawn looks good now because I mowed it.
n. loan money from the bank; v. loan from the bank. Unsang bangkúha ang ímung gilúnan? What bank did you get your loan from?
v. for plants or flowers to become withered, faded, or dried up. Ang kaínit mauy nakalun-as (nakapalun-as) sa mga rúsas, The hot sun caused the rose plants to wither and dry up. Ilísi ang mga búlak nga nagkalun-as na, Replace those flowers since they are withering and fading.
v. for something to get a big depression in it, cause it to do so. Kinsay galun-ub sa palanggána? Gilingkúran tingáli, Who made a big dent in the basin? someone must have sat on it. Húmuk malun-ub ang hubun sa bátà, A child’s fontanel easily gets sunken; n. rather large depression.
see lusnù.
v. share a small space ordinarily occupied by one or two people. Makiglun-ut siya nákug higdà kay tugnaw kunu, She wants me to sleep in her bed because she says it’s cold. Lun-úta lag mga bátà sa baksit, Just put the children together in the backseat.
n. canvas
n. canvas. Ang tulda hinímù sa lúna, The tent is made of canvas.
n. vacant place or area; piece of land. Dúna pay lunà sa yútà nga kabalayan, There is still space on the land to build a house. May lunà pa ba ku sa ímung kasingkásing? Do I still have a place in your heart? hi-/ha- v. happen to be in a position. hi-/ha-(←) v. 1. be settled down to a place or position. Dì ku mubalhin ug lingkuránan kay nahilúnà na ku diri, I won’t move to another seat because I am already settled here; 2. be at ease, not restless or nervous. Wà siya mahilúnà nga nagpaábut sa nanganak níyang asáwa, He couldn’t sit still waiting for his wife to have her baby. pahi-/paha-(←) v. 1. put oneself or something in proper or convenient position. Mipahilúnà siyag lingkud únà musúgud ug káun, He seated himself properly before he started to eat. Ipahilúnag maáyu ang karga sa bisiklíta, Put the load on the bicycle securely; 2. accommodate someone in a good position or job. Ang manínuy níyang kunsihal mauy nagpahilúna níya sa sitihul, Her godfather, who was a councilor, got her a job in City Hall.
n. honeymoon; v. have a honeymoon.
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