v. 1. jump vigorously up and down. Ngánung naglumpayat man ang mga bátà sa katri? Why are the children jumping up and down vigorously on the bed? 2. jump up and down to get free, tug against something that restricts movement. Milumpayat ang ungguy sa halwa pagkakità sa ságing, The monkey jumped up and down in the cage upon seeing the banana. Naglumpayat ang irù sa huktanan pagkakità sa iring, The dog jumped up and down tugging against his leash upon seeing the cat.
a. dented, having a dent; v. dent. Ayawg lumpínga ang táru nga igbabaligyà, Don’t dent the kerosene can we’re planning to sell. Lumpíngi ang kílid sa láta, Make a dent in the side of the can; n. dent.
egg rolls
spring rolls
egg rolls
rice rolls
n. egg roll, a dish consisting of a thin pancake filled with sauteed meat and vegetables. — nga prisku an egg roll with the pancake soft and pliant. — nga prítu an egg roll with the pancake fried crisp; v. have, make egg rolls.
a. lame, cripple. Dì siya makalakaw kay lumpù, He can’t walk because he is lame; v. be, become lame.
v. feel tired and sleepy after taking a swim. Gilumpu (nalumpu) ang bátà human malígù, The child felt tired and sleepy after taking a swim.
v. 1. for something concave to fit or be made to fit snugly in something else convex. Lumpúnga ang mga básu arun sayun dad-un, Put the glasses inside of one another to make them easy to carry. Ilumpung ning basurahan sa láin, Put this trash can on top of the other; 2. for two or more things to be or to take place at the same time when they should not be overlapping. Lisud nang maglumpung átung uyab kay gastu, It’s hard to have several girl friends at the same time because it’s expensive. Bísag lumpúngun mung duha, káya gihápun mu nákù, Even if it’s two against one, I can still beat you.
n. home-woven cloth of a checkered design and with a plain weave; v. wear clothing of this weave.
a. tender, gentle in personality. Lumu nga kasingkásing ni Hisus, Jesus’ tender heart; v. become gentle, tender. Nagkalumu íyang tíngug samtang nagkabugnaw ang íyang kasukù, His voice got gentler as his anger cooled off. (←) n. tenderloin cut of meat. ma- see lumu, a.
v. crush something out of shape without breaking it. Nalúmù ang munyíkang ákung natumban, The plastic doll that I stepped on got crushed out of shape. Ayaw lumúa nang láta kay ákung gamítun, Don’t crush that can because I’m going to use it.
n. kind of porpoise.
v. 1. be together with someone in a place designed for one. Naglúmud silang tulu sa gamayng katri, The three of them slept together in a small bed; 2. stay with someone in the same house. Nakalúmud ku níla ug unum ka búlan, I have lived with them for six months.
a. for the hair to be oily after oil has been applied to it; v. be, become oily. Ákung lumukun ímung buhuk sa hisù kay ákung hingut-an, I’ll put lots of hair oil in your hair to get rid of the lice.
n. inhabitant
n. resident
v. 1. live, keep together. Milúmun ang bátang ílu sa íyang tiyù, The orphaned child went to live with his uncle. Naglúmun sila bísag wà pa makasal, They lived together even though they weren’t married. Ayg ilúmun ang dunut nga mangga sa mga maáyu, Don’t put the rotten mangoes together with the good ones; 2. crumple or roll up a piece of cloth into a ball. Naglúmun siyag nuug íyang gihímung tutuytútuy, She made a ball out of the cloth to make a false breast.
v. for water to collect and form a pool. Naglúmung ang túbig sa tugkaran kay way kagwaan, The water formed a pool in the front yard because there was no way for it to exit.
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