adj. edgy
n. kind of edible small mushroom that grows on dead trees and glows in the dark; v. have this sort of mushroom growing on it.
n. cave, hollowed out portion in the sides of a slope or cliff; v. become a cave, cause something to do so. Ang mga miníru mauy nagkuyba sa bungtud, Miners dug out a cave in the side of the mountain. Nagkakuyba na man ning dapíta nga gisigíhag káwut, This place is fast turning into a cave because they keep digging in it.
watch out! be careful! Kuydáwu! May kurinti nà, Be careful! That’s a live wire. Paubanun ku ikaw apan kuydáwu kun maghásul ka didtu, I’ll let you come with me, but watch out if you make a nuisance of yourself; n. responsibility one must personally answer to. Tagáan tikawg libru. Ang pagpasar ímu nang kuydáwu, I’ll give you books. But it is your lookout to see that you pass. Kúmu sirínu ímung kuydáwug dúnay mawā̀ dinhi, As the night watch, it’s your responsibility if something gets lost here. Ug magminyù ka, may kuydáwu ka na sa kinabúhì, If you marry, you have responsibilities on you; 3. way — nothing to worry about. Wà nay kuydáwu. Púru lang nà panghásì, That’s nothing to worry about. They are just empty threats. Culu-, kuydawukuydáwu n. hesitation, inhibition. Wà miy kuydawukuydáwu nga mangáun sa íla, We are not hesitant about going to their place to eat; v. for someone to do something without inhibitions. Ang mga nars dì magkulukuydáwu paghíkap sa láwas sa mga masakitung laláki, Nurses do not have inhibitions about touching the bodies of male patients.
v. dig up something by scratching things that cover it. Lawuma paglubung kay kuykúyun unyà sa irù, Bury it deep under the ground or the dog will dig it up. Daghan siyang nadala gíkan sa basurahan nga íyang gikuykúyan, He found a lot of nice things in the garbage he was digging around in.
see kulyáda.
a. provoking the feeling of nervous excitement, almost fright. Kuylaw kaáyu nang muági na ta sa sigsag, It is nerve-racking to negotiate the zigzag curves; v. be nervously excited. Gikuylawan ku pagkadawat sa rás nga tiligram, I was nervous when I got the rush telegram.
n. umpire
n. umpire in a cockfight or in jai-alai; v. 1. act as a referee in jai-alai or a cockfight; 2. eavesdrop in a quarrel. Ngánung midúul man mu sa magtiáyung nag-áway? Kamuy mikuymi? Why did you go near the couple quarreling? Did you want to referee their quarrel or something?
go with
v. go together with. Kinsay mukúyug nákù sa sini? Who’ll accompany me to the movies? Ayaw kuyúga pagdispatsar ang púlus daut, Don’t sell any one buyer all bad ones. Unsa may ímung kuyúgun sa búkid? What will you get out of accompanying me to the mountains? Walà sukad siya ikúyug (kuyúga) sa íyang amahan, His father never had taken him along. Kuyúgi siya kay mahadluk, Go with her because she is scared. — sa lupad v. 1. plunge imprudently into something uncertain after having been persuaded. Way maáyung sangpútan ang mga táwung mukúyug lang dáyun sa lupad bísag hanap, No good can come to people who do not look before they leap (go along with the flight even if they cannot see). 2. abide with the decision of the majority. Dì lang ku mutambung sa míting. Mukúyug lang ku sa lupad ug unsay masabútan, I will not attend the meeting. I’ll abide with whatever decision they reach; n. 1. companion; 2. together with. Miláyas siya kúyug sa íyang trátu, She went away together with her boy friend. (→) — babuy n. one who always tags along. kuyugkúyug n. 1. gang mate, regular companion; 2. going together with a gang regularly. Ang kuyugkúyug mau usáhay ang sinugdánan sa gúbut, Going out with a group regularly is often the beginning of trouble.
see kulugpus.
see kulúkus.
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