middle finger
n. periwinkle, a small ornamental grown as a border plant and for its flowers: Catharantus roseus.
n. newspaper, radio commentator; v. be, become a commentator.
n. comment, observation on something v. say something about something Wà ku manaway ígù lang kung nagkumintaryu, I am not criticizing. I’m just making a comment. Wà kuy ikakumintaryu báhin sa ímung pamulitika, I have no comment to make about your politics.
n. radio, newspaper commentator; v. be, become a radio commentator.
n. commercial on radio or TV; a. 1. done on a large scale for commercial purposes. Pamuhig bábuy nga kumirsiyal, Raising pigs commercially; 2. area where commerce is carried out. Distrítu (nga) kumirsiyal, The commercial district; v. broadcast commercials.
n. 1. commerce, business. Gipuhúnan dáyun níyag kumirsiyu ang íyang salapì, He immediately invested his money in business. Ang iskuyláhan nahímù nang kumirsiyu, The school has been turned into a business enterprise; 2. course in business or commerce; v. be engaged in business. Nangumirsiyu siyag panaptun, He is engaged in the textile business. Babáyi íyang gikumirsiyu, Prostitution was his business.
n. businessman; a. like a businessman in dealings. Kumirsyanti kaáyung tawhána. Bísan igsúun paganansiyáhan ug dakù, He is a real businessman. He even makes a profit on his brother; v. be a businessman.
n. 1. commission on something sold; 2. commission, a group of people appointed by the government for certain duties. Kumisiyun Iliktural, Commission on Elections; 3. officer’s commission; v. 1. get a commission. Nakakumisiyun ku sa bakpi nga ákung gihíkay, I got a commission on the back pay claim that I saw through; 2. commission an officer. -ir(→), -ádu n. commissioner, one in charge of a certain government department or of a colony.
n. comet.
n. committee; v. organize into a committee.
v. commit oneself or something Dì ku mukumitir sa ákung kaugalíngun ánang sabúta, I won’t commit myself to that agreement. Ayaw ikumitir ang primírung batalyun kay irisirba, Don’t commit the first battalion because it is in reserve.
v. 1. hold something in the hand with the palm closed. Kumkúma (ikumkum) pag-áyu ang sinsilyu arun dì mawā̀, Hold the change tightly in your hand so you won’t lose it. 2. get possession of something Ang kadaúgan nga karun ílang gikumkum nakúhà sa limbung, Victory is in their hands now, but it is an ill-gotten one. Kun muabut kanang higayúna, kumkúma dáyun kay dì na nà mubálik, When the chance comes, grasp it and hold onto it, for it will not come back again. — ug kamut a. tight-fisted. Kumkum kaáyug kamut. Asin ray isulà, He’s terribly tight-fisted. He won’t eat anything but salt with his rice; n. a fistful. Paghakup ug usa ka kumkum nga balas, Take a handful of sand. pa- v. let a baptized child hold an amount as a baptismal gift from his godfather or godmother who failed to bring a gift. Ákù lang pakumkúmun ug singku písus ang ákung kinúgus kay wà man kuy dáng rigálu, I’ll let my godchild hold five pesos as a baptismal gift because I didn’t bring any gifts.
name given to nosefishes: Naso spp.
adj. knuckle
n. fist
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