see haluthut.
v. collapse under heavy weight. Mahuthut ang salug ug palabian sa mga bisíta, The floor will collapse if there are too many visitors.
v. drain, exhaust someone’s wealth. Muhuthut sa katigayúnan ang súgal, Gambling drains off one’s resources. Gihuthut (gihuthútan) lang ka ánang babayhána, That woman is just sucking your money.
a. be all mud. Hútik ang tugkaran, The front yard is all mud; v. for an area to turn to mud. Muhútik (mahútik) nang dapíta ug dì butangag balas, That place will become muddy if you don’t put sand on it.
v. 1. for fish to snap at the bait. Ígù lang hutikan sa isdà ang paun. Mau nga dílì giyud matag-an, The fish just snap at the bait. That’s why you can’t hook them; 2. slightly hurt someone Gihutikan nákù ang bátag latigu, I struck the child once lightly with the whip; 3. engage in petting or making love (humorous). (←) 1. see hutik, 2. -ay v. pet or have intercourse; n. action of snapping.
n. hotel; v. stay at, make into a hotel.
n. name of a modern dance; v. do this dance.
a. drunk; v. be, become drunk or intoxicated with liquor. Nahutluk siyag ininum sa lambanug, He became intoxicated from drinking the nipa alcohol.
whooping cough
see hut.
n. cool breeze; v. for a cool breeze to blow. Mihutúhut ang hángin gíkan sa búkid, A cool breeze came down from the mountain.
v. stay motionless, staring into space and blinking the eyes. Naghutukhutuk ka man. Nagdamgu ka? Why are you staring into space? Are you daydreaming?
n. kind of Chinese soup with wanton noodles in it.
n. heavy, prolonged coughing. Gihútuy ku sa pagkinatáwa, I broke into a coughing fit from laughing so much.
v. for dogs to howl. Muhutwang ang irù ug makakitag panulay, Dogs howl when they see devils; n. howl.
v. for the rumps to be exposed. Nahutwang ang lubut kay nawalis ang sinínà, Her behind was exposed because her skirt was blown upwards.
v. 1. be confined such that air, gas cannot escape. Naghúum ang nagkalainláing báhù sulud sa sinihan, Various odors were stored up in the theater. Mihubag ang íyang núka kay nahúum kini iláwum sa plastir, His boil swelled because the plaster kept the noxious gas in it. 2. for something that provokes an intense unpleasant feeling to be pent up. Ang suliran nga naghúum sa íyang dughan, The problems that have been suppressed in her breast. Ayawg ihúum ang kayugut, Don’t repress anger.
v. put a mouthful of food into the mouth to eat. Muhuum kug diyútayng kan-un kay gigútum ku, I’ll stick a mouthful of food into my mouth because I’m hungry; n. mouthful.
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