n. board of directors of a civic unit or enterprise. Hunta munisipal, Municipal board. Ang hunta sa maghuhukum, The board of judges. Hunta diriktíba, Board of directors.
n. council
n. section of structures arranged on top of one another or behind one another. huntàhuntà n. sections of something Duha ka huntàhuntà ang ílang balay, Their house has two stories. Ang huntàhuntà sa sayal sa baylirína, The tiers of the ballerina’s dress. Ang huntàhuntà sa káha, The sections of the till; v. be sections or divisions arranged one above or behind another. Naghuntàhuntà ang húnus sa lamísa, The drawers are stacked on top of each other on the table.
v. 1. seep through pores. Mihunub ang túbig sa yútà, The water seeped into the ground. Nabasà ang lamísa kay gihunuban sa túbig sa tadyaw, The table got wet because the water seeped out from the jar onto it. 2. leak through small holes; 3. affect slowly, as if seeping in. Mihunub sa íyang hunàhúnà ang usa ka mayugtánung panimalus, Dreams of angry revenge seeped into his mind. Mihunub ang madutlánung katugnaw sa íyang kinahiladman, A penetrating cold seeped into his innermost bones; a. leaky, allowing to seepage; n. leak, seepage.
see humulhúmul.
v. 1. stop, cease forward motion, cause something to do so. Kinsay naghúnung (nagpahúnung) sa dyip, Who stopped the jeep? Gihunúngan mi sa dyip, The jeep stopped for us. 2. stop, discontinue functioning or operating, cause something to do so. Kinsa may muhúnung (mupahúnung) sa ámung dúlà? Who will stop our game? Naghunung ang ákung rilu, My watch has stopped; 3. stop doing something Mihúnung siya ug hílak, He stopped crying. way — continuous, unceasing. -anan n. bus stop.
n. drawer; v. pull a drawer out. Nakadungug ku nga dihay mihúnus sa ákung lamísa, I’ve heard someone pulling the drawer in my table out. hunushúnus n. see húnus, n.
v. take a human life. Ulípun siya ug mahímung hunúsun ang íyang kinabúhì bisan anus-a, He is a slave, and his life may be snuffed out at any time.
n. June
n. June; v. see abril.
see húlup.
v. peel, flake off, cause something to do so. Ang pintal muhup-ak basta dáan na, Paint peels off when it is old; n. something that has peeled or flaked off.
see hulpà.
v. develop a crack such that the separated pieces are no longer in contact. Mihupak ang simintu paglínug, The concrete cracked in the earthquake; n. crack.
v. 1. for something to lose its aroma, powers, flavor, and the like by being left uncovered. Mihupas ang sigarilyu, The cigarette lost its flavor. Nagkahupas na ang lamì sa bínu, The wine is losing its bouquet; 2. for land to lose its fertility. Sa púlù ka túig muhupas ang yútà, In ten years the soil will lose its fertility; 3. for a feeling to wane. Nahupas na ang ákung gána pagbiyáhi, I’ve lost my appetite for travelling. Nahupsan na kug paílub, I’ve run out of patience.
see humpay.
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