v. complain, scold with shouting. Gigahutan kung máma kay nahubug ku, Mother screamed at me because I was drunk. gathánay, gahutay v. shout at each other.
v. 1. lash, tie something against something Igáid nang istatúwa sa pusti arun dì matumba, Tie the statue to the post so that it won’t topple down; 1a. see gápus, v 2; 2. whip soundly. Gaírun ku ikaw ug dì ka mutúu, I’ll give you a sound whipping if you don’t listen. (→) n. something to tie with.
v. says
v. squat, sit on one’s heels on top of something Ayaw gak-ángi ang bangkíyu, Don’t squat on the toilet seat. Sit right on it.
v. go up an incline or slope. Human mi makagaka (makagáka) sa bungtud, nakítà ang dágat, After we had gone up the hill, we could see the sea. gakahun a. on an incline.
n. bamboo or log raft. Ang gákit nga gipunduhan mauy silúngan sa isdà, An anchored raft is used to draw the fish; v. 1. ride on a raft. Maggákit mi paingun sa isla, We are going to take the raft to the island; 2. make into a raft. -in- n. lashed together to form a raft.
n. raft
n. embrace
v. hug
see gáid, 1, 1a.
v. hug, embrace. Tiggakus siyag alungnag matúlug, He usually embraces a pillow when he sleeps. Ang duha ka buksidur naggákus, The two boxers were clenching. Gigakus níya ang íyang hinigugma, She embraced her beloved; n. embrace. Hugut nga gakus, A tight embrace. (←) n. act of mutual embracing. Kútub ra sa gákus, way háluk, It just went as far as hugging. No kissing. gakusgákus v. hug repeatedly. gaksanay v. embrace each other.
n. scars on the skin marked by heavy scar tissue; v. have large, ugly scars. Nagakut ang íyang líug kay mibutu kini, She has large ugly scars on her neck from boils she had.
v. tie something so as to prevent it from being opened or detached. Ang kutsíru mauy migákut sa mga malíta sa atup sa tartanilya, The rig driver tied the suitcases on the roof of the rig. (→) n. lashings.
(not without l) n. dress used for festive occasion; v. use, wear a gala attire. — nga unipurmi n. gala uniform. — primyir n. gala premiere; v. hold a gala premiere.
n. dry twigs. paN- v. gather dry twigs.
v. 1. play games, play with something Mugála gihápun kag munyíka? Do you still play with dolls? Dílì na nátù siya igála, Let’s not play with her any more; 2. influence, lure someone into doing something he shouldn’t. Ikaw giyuy nakagā́ kaníya sa binúang, You influenced him to do something foolish; 3. give money for a performance. Gigaláhan siya sa mananan-awg diyis písus nga giitsa sa intabládu, He got ten pesos from the money which the audience had thrown on the stage; n. 1. game; 2. gift of money given for performing. ka- n. playmates. galáhan n. 1. toy; 2; a. plaything which gives certain magical powers to the owner. Ang trabungku galáhan sa sawa, A crystal ball is the special magic toy which a snake possesses; 3. amusement devices at fairs and carnivals; 4. penis (used as one’s plaything—slang). galagala n. companions, usually unwholesome. Nahímu siyang dautan tungud sa gagá, He became evil because of bad company; v. induce someone to do something unwholesome. Gigalagala (gigalagalahan) ku níla pagsúkul sa ákung inaína, They induced me to fight my stepmother.
v. cut with a scythe, sickle. Gigalab níya ang kúgun, He cut the saw grass with a sickle. (→) n. scythe, sickle.
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