n. cream
n. milk
n. milk. May gátas ka pa sa bàbà nga manarátu, You’re still too young (lit. you still have milk on your mouth) to have a sweetheart. (→) v. 1. milk an animal. Naggatas siya sa báka, He is milking the cow; v. secrete milk. Wà makagatas ang inahan, The mother didn’t lactate. Mamatay ang nati kun dì gatasan ang inahan, The calf dies if the mother doesn’t lactate; 3. mix milk into something; 4. bottle-feed an infant. Gigatas na lang níla ang ílang masúsu, They bottle-fed their baby. -an(→) n. animal which furnishes milk. -an a. having lots of milk. -an, -an(→), gatasgatasan n. descriptive name of fish which exude a highly venomous milky substance from the dorsal spine: Coryzichthys gangenes and other species. -un, gatasgatasun a. murky with whitish substance.
n. dairy
v. be milked
v. milk
v. appear, stick out on a surface. Migátaw ang íyang gúsuk, His ribs stuck out; n. projection, height. Dayag na ang gátaw sa submarínu sa dágat, You can clearly see the projection of the submarine on the surface of the sea. (→) n. something which gets exposed on the surface. Ang balanghuy nga gataw pait ug makahílu, The cassava root that grows out of the ground is bitter and poisonous. -un a. of the type that sticks out.
n. trigger.
n. vise, mechanical device for holding firmly something being worked; v. fasten with a vise. Gatúhi arun sayun paggabas, Fasten it with a vise so it will be easy to saw it.
see gatilyu.
v. make something rough by covering it with cuts. Nagátud ang tabla nga gihímung taparan, The board got an uneven surface because it was used as a chopping board. gatudgatud a. rough in surface. Gatudgatud na ang punúan sa lubi kay gisigíhan man níyag tigbas, The coconut trunk is rough because he always chops at it with his bolo. gatudgaturun see gatudgatud.
n. 1. fuel used for cooking; 2. a big piece of wood used to keep fire or embers burning; v. 1. supply fuel to cook something; 2. keep a fire burning to supply embers for future fires; 3. add fuel to an emotional situation. Ngánung gatúngan pa nímu ang íyang kasukù? Why do you add fuel to his anger? paN- n. 1. something used as fuel; 2. something used as drinks. Náa bay maáyung paggátung kay muadtu mi sa bayli, Do you have anything good to warm up the group because we’re going to a dance.
numeral hundred; v. see tulu. -an in groups of a hundred, hundreds. Gatusan ka táwu ang nagláray, People were lined up by the hundreds. Gatusan ka túig, A century. maN-(←) amounting to one hundred. Manggátus ang íyang swildu káda simána, He earns a hundred a week. maN-(←), -in- done by the hundreds. Manggátus (ginatus) ang pagbaligyà sa mangga, They sell mangoes by the hundred; v. do something by the hundred. tag-(←) a hundred each; v. give out denominations of one hundred. tagmang-, tag-in- see mang-, -in-.
n. century
n. kind of porgy. gaudgaud see gaud.
v. row, propel a boat with an oar at the stern. Makagáud kahà ta hangtud sa daplin? Can we possibly row as far as the shore? Ang linayágan ug way hángin gawrun (gawran) lang, A sailboat is rowed if there is no wind. (→) n. large oar. gauran n. oarlock.
v. tease derisively. Gigaugáu siyang pisut, He was teased derisively because he was uncircumcised; n. derisive teasings.
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