n. pride. Misinta siya dihang natandug ang garbu, He flared up when his pride was hurt. Garbu sa mga táwu dinhi ang kalimpiyu sa lungsud, The cleanliness of the town is a source of pride for the people. — sa irù n. one’s foolish pride, said derisively. pa-, pasi- v. display something with pride. Nagpagarbu (nagpasigarbu) siya sa bag-ung kutsi, He is showing off his new car. Wà kuy ngálan nga ikapasigarbu, I don’t have a name to boast of. magarbúhun, mapagarbúhun, mapasigarbúhun a. 1. full of pride. Magarbúhun siyang midáwat sa midalya, He received the medal with pride; 2. haughty in ways and appearance. -sa a. haughty, stuck up (female); v. become haughty. Migarbúsa (nagarbúsa) siyang nakataak sa Amirika, She became haughty after having gone to the States. -in-(→) v. act in a haughty way. Giginarbusahan ku níya; nakaminus tingáli, She spoke haughtily to me; she probably looks down on me. -su a. haughty (male).
see kardába.
n. flower or vegetable garden; v. make a garden. -íru n. gardener; v. gardener. -ing n. 1. gardening; 2. a school subject of gardening in the elementary school.
n. guardian of a child; v. become the guardian. Nagardiyan ku níya samtang nilangyaw ang íyang mga ginikánan, I became his guardian while his parents were away on a trip.
n. 1. doll; 2. religious statue; v. 1. play with a doll. Gustung mugáring ang bátà, The child wants to play with a doll; 2. make a doll. Nindut garíngun ning panaptúna, This cloth would make a pretty doll.
see grípu.
n. garrison; v. establish a garrison.
n. garment bag; v. put something in a garment bag.
see girnalda.
n. variety of balingbing (Averrhoa carambola), sweet and yellow when ripe.
see granáti.
n. elastic band, usually strapped on or sewn to something v. put an elastic band on something.
v. jiggle something back and forth. Ayaw garua ang lamísa kay malúngì nyà ang tiil, Don’t jiggle the table back and forth because the leg might break off.
v. for a part of the body to get chafed or badly scratched from sliding over a rough surface. Nagarud ang íyang dughan pagdaúrus níya sa káhuy, His chest got badly scraped from sliding down the trunk of the tree.
v. scratch lightly. Magarus ang sawug ug ímung guyúrun ang síya, The floor will get scratched if you drag the chair.
n. 1. wooden cane used for beating; 2. walking stick; v. hit with a cane. Garutíha siya kun magtinuntu, Cane him if he does foolishness.
n. 1. kerosene; 2. gas fuel for cooking stoves. — istub, gastub n. kind of stove that uses cooking gas or kerosene for fuel; v. 1. put in kerosene or gas. Wà magási ang lamparilya maung napálung, They failed to put kerosene in the lamp so it went out; 2. use kerosene. Maggás na lang mi kay ikunumíya, We’ll just use kerosene because it’s cheaper. paN- n. money obtained by prostitutes to pay for the barest necessities. Kanang pagpaábang sa ubang mga pampam pára panggás na lang, Some prostitutes sell their bodies for just enough to get the barest necessities.
n. gas
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