n. hair style for women in which the hair about 2″ below the nape is cut like a duck’s tail; v. cut hair into a duck-tail style, wear hair in this style.
a. full moon. Háyag karun kay daktul ang búlan, It’s bright tonight because there’s a full moon. — ug nawung round-faced; v. for the moon to get to be full. Gidaktúlan na lang sila sa búlan wà pa gihápun kahumag dáru, The full moon was upon them before they had finished plowing. -um-r- n. moon about to be full.
a. 1. big, great. Dakù na ang íyang anak, Her child is grown up now. — ug anínu prominent person. Gamay túung táwu si Rumulu píru dakug anínu, Romulo may be small in stature, but he is a very important man. — ug bàbà having tendency to tell secrets. — ang dágat be high tide. — nga kábaw be already grown up, but still doing things inappropriate to adults. Kadakù na nímung kábaw magdúwà ka pa gihápug dyúlin, You still play marbles at your age! — nga mamsà bigwig. — nga táwu a. important person. b. spokesman in asking a woman’s hand of her parents. — nga tái a big wheel; 2. very much (modifying forms which refer to a person’s condition, mood, or status). Mangasáwa siya nímu bísan búhì pang dakù ang íyang asáwa. Minyù nà siyang dakù, He will marry you even though his wife is very much alive. He is very much a married man. Dì na nà siya kapasar kay dakù na kaáyu ug palta, She cannot pass because she has been absent many times. Dakung masakitun ang íyang asáwa, His wife is gravely ill. Gikalípay kug dakù ang nahitabù, I am very happy about what happened. Magulang siyag dakù nákù, He is much older than I am. adlaw nga — broad daylight. — ang hunàhúnà be anxious to do something Dakù kaáyu ang ákung hunàhúnà pag-adtu sa Kanada, I’ve been thinking very much about going to Canada. — ang tingúhà be intent on doing something Dakù ang ákung tingúhà pagtábang nímu, I’m moving heaven and earth to help you; 3. usa ka — one centavo coin (so called because formerly it was a large coin). 4. — nga (word referring to an action) it’s highly improbable (such-and-such) an action would be done. Dakung palit nákù ánà nga náa may barátu, You think I’d buy that when there are so many inexpensive ones available? Dakung hátag níya nátù nga dawù man nà siya? You think that greedy guy would give us any? v. become, make big. Nagdakù siyang walay inahan, He grew up without a mother. Gidaku níya ang íyang tíngug arun madungug, She made her voice loud enough to be heard. Gidak-an (gidakuan) ra aku sa ábang, I consider the rent too high. — ang atay, úlu for something to go to one’s head. Midakù ang íyang atay (úlu) kay gibulatíkan, He was flattered and it went to his head. pa- v. 1. raise animals, children. Padak-a (padakua) kining batáa sáma sa tinúud mung anak, Raise this boy like your own child. Ang tangkal padak-an kug bábuy, I will raise pigs in the pigpen; 2. make something bigger. Padak-a (padak-i, ipadakù) ra gud ang síga, Turn the light up, please; 3. allow something to grow big. Padak-a (padakua) ang kamúti, Let the sweet potatoes grow big. dakùdákù n. chief, head, foreman. Kinsay dakùdákù niíning upisína? Who is the head of this office? -an(←), -ay(←) a. very great. Dakúan (dakúay) uyámut ang íyang kaúlaw, Her shame was indeed great. -g- a. big (plural). Púlus dagkù ang íyang gipalit, He only bought big ones. paN-g- v. become great. Nanagkù ang ílang mga mata, They became wide-eyed. ka-g-an n. higher officers, authorities. Púrus mga langyaw ang kadagkúan niíning kumpaníya, The top officers of this company are all foreigners. -in-g- a. on a large scale. Ang dinagkù nga pagpamalit barátu, It is cheap to buy wholesale. dumalagkù, dumalagkuun a. variety of a plant or animal that tends to be bigger. Dumalagkuung maísa píru gagmayg púsù, The corn is of a large variety, but the ears are small. gidak-un n. size. kadak-an n. living room, largest room in the house. kinadak-an n. 1. biggest; 2. the whole world. Ang nahitabù gisibya sa kinadak-an, The event was broadcast to the whole world. maN-(←), tag-(←), tagmaN-(←) n. costing one centavo. Manákù (tagdákù, tagmanákù) ang tundan, Small bananas cost one centavo each.
v. rap someone on the head with something Dakla (dakula, dakli) siya kay nagdahan, Rap him on the head because he is acting up too much; n. rapping. dakuldákul v. rap something to make noise. Dakuldakúli ang máya, Rap empty cans to chase away the birds.
see kanákù (dialectal). see aku.
see dakul.
v. 1. catch. Nadakup (hingdakpan) na ba ang kabáyù nga nakaguwà sa kural? Did you manage to catch the horse that broke out of the enclosure? 2. apprehend, arrest. Dakpun ka ug mamúhì kag dinamíta, You will be arrested if you go dynamite fishing; 3. catch fire. Dakpun ang káyu sa gasulína, The gasoline will catch fire. (←) n. period of time that arrests are being made. Dákup run sa mga draybir nga walay lisinsiya, They’re arresting drivers without licenses these days. -in-, dinakpan n. suspect. Ang mga dinakup (dinakpan) ibalhug sa bilangguan, The suspects will be put in jail. maN-r-(←) n. arresting officer. dakupdákup, dakpánay n. game of tag; v. play tag.
v. stay put meekly, usually with the head bowed. Mudakúyung dáyun ang ámung irù basta sutsútan, Our dog stays put meekly when you hiss at him.
v. 1. for things that fly to swarm, fly around close to something Ang anunugba mudakyup sa sugà, The moths will fly around the lamp; 2. appear suddenly. Gidakyúpan ang ákung panumdúman sa ímung hulagway, Your picture appeared suddenly to my thoughts; 3. envelop with an atmosphere. Mga mabagang dag-um nagdakyup sa kabungtúran, Dark clouds enveloped the hills. Kun dakyúpan ka sa kamíngaw, When loneliness envelopes you.
n. 1. doll; 2. term of endearment for a small child.
v. 1. drag or slide slowly in a downward direction. Ang íyang nigusyu nagkadal-us sa kapútu, His business gradually slipped into bankruptcy. Idal-us (dal-úsa, padal-úsa, ipadal-ús) na lang ang sáku sa kupras pagkanáug, Just put the sacks of copra off by letting them slide; 2. move forward slowly (figurative usage). Ang sakayan midal-us sa línawng dágat, The boat moved slowly over the calm sea; 3. move the eyes down over something Midal-us ang íyang pagtan-aw gíkan sa líug ngadtu sa bitíis, He let his gaze move over her from her neck to her legs. -an(→), -anan(→) n. slide.
v. 1. take, bring, carry. Magdala ba kug rigálu ngadtu? Shall I bring presents there? Bug-at na kaáyung dad-un (dalhun, dal-un) ang táru, The can is too heavy to carry; 1a. for an illness to take. Dad-un ka untà sa kulira, Drop dead! (Lit. I hope cholera takes you!) 2. play a role. Ang papil ni Husi Risal ang gidala ni Rumíyu, Romeo played the role of José Rizal; 2a. sing a certain voice in choral groups, play an instrument in an ensemble. Akuy mudala sa báhu, ikay kanta sa túnu, I’ll sing the bass while you sing the melody; 2b. — ug hílas fake something without showing it. Maáyu siyang mudág hílas kay dì muusab ang íyang dagway ug mamutbut, He can really fake it, because when he tells a lie his face remains unchanged; 3. drive a vehicle, make something go. Maáyu diay kang mudalag sista, You sure play the guitar well! Impála ang íyang dad-un sa paráda, He will drive an Impala during the parade; 4. treat, manage something or someone Ang táwu nga nagdala sa upisína maáyung mudala sa íyang mga kawáni, The man who manages the office treats his employees well; 5. endure, bear. Madala pa sa kábaw ang kaínit sa adlaw, The carabao can bear the heat of the sun; 6. be of some help. Ang ímung grádu dílì na madala ug ínat. Hagbung ka giyud, Stretching your grade won’t be of any help. You failed, period; 7. include with, be together with, accompany. Ang íyang tíngug nagdala ug kahadluk, There was fear in her voice; 8. carry clothes, personal belongings well, poorly. Maáyu siyang mudala ug bisti, She carries her clothes well; n. something brought, carried, taken along as a load. Nagsangkiig aku sa ákung dala, I staggered under my load; a. 1. together with. Mikalagiw ang inahan dala ang gamay níyang bátà, The mother fled together with her small child; 2. carried along with, influenced by. Dala sa ákung kalágut nakahílak aku, Influenced by my anger, I burst out crying; 3. the accompaniment of. Kining ákung hilánat dala sa ákung húbak, My fever came on with my asthma; 3a. — sa pagkatáwu inborn. Ang íyang pagkabúta dala sa íyang pagkatáwu, He is blind from birth; 4. included. Ang singkuwintang plíti dala na ang túbig, Water is included in the fifty pesos rent. (←) v. be influenced by, carried along. Nadála aku sa íyang kakúgi, I was influenced by her industriousness. daladála v. bring repeatedly, wherever one goes. Kining ímung pagkasaksi mauy mudaladála kanímu sa pagpaatúbang sa husgádu, If you are a witness it will keep bringing you back to court. Daladaláun gayud nákù kining batáa, I will surely take the child with me wherever I go. Hápit na mutúig ang pagdaladála níya sa íyang sakit, He has been going around with his sickness for almost a year; n. female genitalia (humorous). pa- v. send. Ipadala níya ang ímung urdir kun padad-an mu siyag kwarta, He will send the order if you send him money. -um-(←) v. manage. Nagdumála siya sa usa ka bangku dinhi, He managed one of the banks here. kadumaláhan, dumaláhan n. management. Ang Urmuk ubus gihápun sa íyang kadumaláhan, Ormoc is also under his administration. -in- a. see dala, a 1, 2. n. 1. male genitalia (humorous). 2. children of a former marriage brought into a new marriage; 3. idiosyncrasies a woman may experience during conception. Ayaw tagda ang kapungtánun sa ímung asáwang burus kay dinala nà, Don’t mind your wife’s irritability. That’s part of her pregnancy. dinad-an, dinalhan n. treatment. Ang ngil-ad nga dinad-an sa íyang bána, The bad treatment her husband gives her. dalad-unun, dad-unun, dalhunun n. things to be brought; a. needing care because of sickness or needing tact because of touchiness.
v. also included
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