a. light yellow. Dalag ang íhì, Urine is yellow; n. yellowed or brown fallen leaves. Dalag sa lumbuy himúun ug líkin, Yellowed lumbuy leaves are made into cigars; v. 1. become, make something yellow; 2. for the voice to get off pitch. Nadalag (midalag) ang íyang tíngug tungud sa hilabihang kahadluk, She was so frightened her voice went out of key; 3. wear something yellow. ma- a. yellow; v. be yellow. Nagamadalag ang pangánud sa matahum buluk sa buláwan, The clouds were yellow with beautiful hues of gold.
adj. yellow
see haluan.
n. 1. unmarried woman. Anak sa pagkadalága, A child born to an unmarried woman. Dalágang lagas, An old maid; 2. young girl who has reached maturity. Sus! Dalága ka na kaáyung tan-áwun, My! You look very much a young lady; v. 1. for a girl to grow up, act like a grown-up. Ang ímung inahan ug aku dúngan nga nadalága, Your mother and I grew up at the same time; 1a. reach womanhood by virtue of menstruating. Nadalága ku sa idad nga katursi, I had my first menstruation at fourteen. paN- v. get to a girl’s bed to have intercourse with her. Panagáun ta ka karung gabíi, I’ll sneak into your bed tonight. hiN-(→) v. grow into full womanhood. Nanindut ang íyang láwas dihang naghinalaga na, She developed a beautiful body as she grew to maturity. kadalagáhan n. maidens. Ang mga kadalagáhan atúa sa sayáwan, The girls are at the dance. -um- n. female animal just about ready for reproduction, esp. chickens; v. 1. be old enough to reproduce. Ígu giyung nagdumalaga na, gidúnguy ang tanan kung manuk, My chickens got diseased just as they were about to start laying; 2. for a girl that is too young to act like a teen-ager. Nagdumalaga ka nag pulupanglipstik, You think you’re grown-up already wearing lipstick. dalagíta n. a girl close to maturity but not yet mature (ten to thirteen years old). Dalagíta na giyud si Gríta kay gipamukúlan na, Greta has indeed reached puberty because her breasts are beginning to develop; v. become a young girl. dalaginding n. term for endearment for a small girl. Grid wan na ákung dalagingding, My little darling is in the first grade.
n. dame
n. maid
n. Miss
v. 1. for a person to run. Midágan siya kay nahadluk, He ran away because he was afraid. Kinsa tung nagdagan dihà? Who is that running over there? Dì na ku kadágan kay gikutasan ku, I can run no further because I am out of breath. Dagána ang táwu kay wà pa siya kabayad, Run after the man. He didn’t pay. Unsay ímung gidagánan? What are you running away from? Bantáyi kanang karni, kay idágan sa irù, Watch the meat because the dog will run away with it. 2. for a machine to run, function. Dì mudágan ang makina, The machine stopped running; 3. run for office. Katulu na siya mudágan pagkamayur, He ran for mayor three times; 4. run for help. Wà siyay láing kadagánan, He has no one else to turn to. 5. extend a certain time or distance. Ang pilikula mudágan ug tulu ka úras, The show lasts for three hours. Gíkan dinhi ang karsáda mudágan ngadtu sa subà, From here the road runs toward the river. Usa ka baril nga aspaltu mudágan ug unsi mitrus, A barrel of asphalt lasts eleven meters; n. 1. speed, velocity. Singkuwinta milyas káda úras ang dágan sa awtu, The car is traveling at fifty miles per hour; 2. running, functioning condition. Maáyu pa ang dágan sa awtu, The car is still in good running condition; 3. time elapsed during which something happened. Pila ka úras ang dágan sa idru ngadtu? How many hours is the trip there by plane? 3a. passing of time. Wà ku makaalinggat sa dágan sa panahun, I failed to notice the passing of the time; 4. circulation. Kusug ang dágan sa dugù sa hayblarun, A person with high blood pressure has rapid blood circulation; 4a. — sa hitabù flow of events. (→) v. go hurriedly s.w. for a purpose. Dagna (dagana, dagána) ang ímung igsúun, Run and get your brother. Idagan (idágan) ni ngadtu, Run, bring this there. pa- v. 1. operate a business, machine. Hínay siyang mupadágan sa kutsi, He drives the car slowly. Didtu sa kadagátan sa Mindanaw padagána (ipadágan) ang ímung panágat, Operate your fishing equipment in the seas around Mindanao; 1a. run the woof to a certain point in the warp; 1b. — sa dágang create a literary work; 2. allow to circulate, advertise. Mau kanà ang tabì nga gipadágan níya, That was the gossip she circulated; 3. create a literary work. pina- n. job not well done. Pinadágan ang pagkatahì niíni, This was hastily sewn; 2. literary creation. tag-, tag-(→) n. one sent on errands. Siya mauy tagdágan sa kinahanglánun sa balay, He is the one who is sent to run after the things we need in the house. -an n. run-*way in an airport. -in-ay(→) n. wartime (when people ran away). tali- n. about to run away.
middle finger
n. kind of shrub of waste places with alternate bipinnate leaves, used as a local medicine: Acacia sp.
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