v. 1 close the mouth of a bag or net by pulling a drawstring run through a casing in the edge; 2. haul in a fishing net by pulling the edges together in a bunch. Káda dáhup daghang makúhà, Each time you pull in the net, you get a lot of fish.
a. 1. close-fisted to an intense degree. Ang táwung dahut dílì manggihatágun, A stingy person is not generous; 2. completely poverty-stricken; v. 1. be, become stingy or miserly; 2. be, become poor or penniless. Mudahut (madahut) ka kun magpúnay ug sugal, If you keep on with your gambling, you’ll wind up in the poorhouse.
a. nonsense word used to fill out a line in rhymes. Dayun, dayun, dahúyag/ Walay makagsantà ug makagbábag/ Ning palasyu námung payag, Come-in, come-in dahúyag, No one can bar your way, Into this palace of a hut.
v. 1. set something on fire. Unyà na lang daígi ang mga layang dáhun, Set these dried leaves on fire later on. 2. light something Tagái kug idáig sa ákung sigarilyu, Give me something to light my cigarette with; n. (→) fire in the open. Wà giyud mapálung ang ámung daig sa ulan, The rain did not put our fire out.
v. start something burning by putting something glowing to it. Gidaíkan nákù ang sigarilyu, I lighted the cigarette.
n. full moon. Inigsáwup sa adlaw mau say isubang sa dail, The full moon rises as soon as the sun sets; v. for the moon to become full. -un a. moon that is full.
v. 1. move, slide or trickle slowly across or down on a surface. Inigsaylu sa balud mudaílus pud pagbálus ang sakayan, When the wave passes by, the boat in turn moves slowly down. Inánay ang túbig nga nagdaílus sa bungbung, Water is trickling slowly down the wall; 2. move, let oneself slide s.w. Kun walà magtan-aw ang dalága mudaílus (mupadaílus) pud si Pidru sa duul, When the girl wasn’t looking, Peter would slide closer; 3. come from the village to town. Daílus na mu sa lungsud sa pista, Come to the town during the fiesta.
n. dice
v. have good personal relationships. Makigdáit kita sa átung silíngan, We should have good relations with our neighbors. ma-un, makig-un a. in a manner inspiring good personal relationships. panag-, panag-ay(→) n. good relations.
v. touch a small part of something against something else. Midaítul siya sa íyang ngábil sa akúa, She pressed her lips against mine. Gidaitlan níyag binágang puthaw ang pinaakan sa hálas, He touched red-hot iron to the snake bite. Íyang gidaítul ang tilipunu sa íyang dalunggan, She pressed the telephone receiver to her ears.
n. Doc, nickname for a doctor.
n. things which make a road rough. -un a. rough road.
see arun (dialectical).
n. large building, house.
n. citizenship
n. city. pa- v. go to, live in the city. ka-an(←) n. cities. -un(←) a. having to do with the city.
n. kind of amphibious boat, boat that can go on land.
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