adj. healthy
n. scales for weighing, where the fulcrum is not in the middle, e.g., steelyard.
see bálus.
v. utter sharp words in anger or impatience. Mamasngag siyag samuksamukun kun magtrabáhu, He snaps at people when he is disturbed while working.
n. a haul seine net, round in shape, for catching fish which run in schools and can be attracted by light. paN- v. fish with the basnig.
n. glass
n. glass(es)
1. provided that, if and only if. Ihátag ku ning risíbu basta bayran ku nímu, I will give you the receipt provided that you pay me. Bísag magabin-an ka, basta na lang madala ákung gitúgun, Even if it takes half the night, so long as you do what you were told to do. 2. (so-and-so) is the case, no matter what anyone says. Na, basta, náa lagi, Well, that’s the way it is. There is, believe it or not; 3. with commands reminding a person to keep his promise: don’t forget! Basta ayaw giyud ug pakítà dinhig usab, Mark this, don’t ever show your face here again. Basta ha? Muuban ku, Don’t forget now. I want to go along. — nga, kay — to make the story short, suffice it to say that. Basta nga (kay basta) pagpanganti níya, nangatágak ang buláwan, Anyway, when he made a wish, gold pieces fell out. — kay see basta, 1, 2. bastabasta a. not very exact, accurate; v. do something in an inaccurate way. Ug bastabastáhun (ibastabasta) nímu, alkansi ta, If you do it any old way, we will lose money. dílì — not just ordinary. Dílì bastabasta tung kasála, That was no ordinary wedding.
conj. so long as
sufficient in amount for a certain need. ‘Ígù ning lima?’—‘Bastanti.’ ‘Will these five do?’—‘Yes. They’re just enough.’ v. be sufficient. Ang diklarasyun sa tistígus mauy nakabastanti (nakapabastanti) sa ibidinsiya, The declaration of the witness was enough to make the evidence sufficient.
v. be enough, sufficient. Dílì makabastar (ikabastar) nang kwartáha sa ákung kinahanglanun, That money is not enough for my needs.
v. 1. set, be placed across something diagonally. Nagbastarda ang hubug sa dálan, The drunk was lying diagonally across the road. Bastardáha (ibastarda) pagtáud sa rayna ang banda, Put the band diagonally across the queen; 2. be crooked, not straight. Nagbastarda ang linya sa mga kadíti, The cadets’ line is crooked.
a. for a course or direction to be off to the side and not directly into; v. be off to one side. Nagbastardu ámung ági tungud sa sulug, Our course was off to one side because of the current.
a. 1. for a bulb to be burnt out; 2. be out in blackjack; v. 1. spurn a suitor (slang). Gibastid si Husi sa íyang gipangulitawhan, The girl Jose is courting spurned him; 2. for a bulb to burn out; 3. go over twenty-one in blackjack. Wà ka ba mabastid? Didn’t you go over twenty-one?
n. rounded frame for use in embroidery; v. use, make into an embroidery frame.
see birsu.
n. the hard core of thick abaca rope which remains when the rope is worn out. Ayaw ilábay ang písì. Magámit pa ang bastika niíni, Don’t throw the rope away. The hard core can still be used.
see bustipul.
n. 1. man’s name; 2. euphemism for bastus.
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