n. field
v. bang on something to produce noise. Basalun námung táru ug may iskilipsi, We’ll beat the kerosene cans when there’s an eclipse; n. anything used in banging. Basal sa bumbu, The drumstick.
n. vassal; v. make into a vassal.
n. loyal circle of followers (colloquial). Ang basalyus sa pulitiku, The inner circle of the politician’s followers; v. be, become loyal followers of ...
a. a toothless mouth that is wide open; v. 1. for a toothless mouth to be wide open, as in laughing; 2. for the gum to lose a row of teeth leaving a large gap. Nabasangag íyang lagus, There was a big gap in his gums.
n. a shop or department store that sells various kinds of goods; v. make into a bazaar.
v. have the upper hand, be on the winning end. Wà kay basasan ánang bayhána, You have no chance of getting the upper hand with that woman.
see balasbas.
v. chop off nodes, lumps, etc. in wood or bamboo. Gibasbásan níya ang mga lipak pára sa ílang sáwug, He cleaned and smoothed the bamboo strips for the flooring. -in- n. chips, particles removed from wood that has been cleaned. -in-an a. 1. carefully smoothed wood; 2. carefully selected words. Binasbásan ang íyang mga púlung, His words are carefully selected.
v. husk corn. Basbasi ang mais, Husk the corn; n. husks of corn.
v. train with constant repetition. Akuy mibasbas níyas ínum, I taught him to drink. Nabasbas ku sa trabáhu human mamatay si Pápa, I learned how to work after Papa died. Gibasbas níya ang irù pagsáyaw, He trained the dog to dance.
v. be tight and bulging due to fullness, esp. the stomach. Basdákun tang átung tiyan, Let’s fill our stomachs chock-full. Ginabas ang átung ibasdak sa pansing bag, Let’s fill the punching bag full of sawdust.
see bas-uy, 1.
n. 1. rice wine; 2. wine made from sugar cane; v. make into rice or sugar cane wine.
n. military base. — nabal naval base; v. establish a military base.
v. base a conclusion or course of action on something Ang maáyu mauy basíhi sa ímung kinabúhì, Base your life on what is good. Ayaw giyud ibási (basíha) ang ímung paghukum sa íyang sulti, Don’t base your decision on what she says; n. basis.
see básin.
v. daybreak. Mibasíbas (namasíbas) nang kabuntágun, Morning was breaking.
n. basilica.
n. vaseline; v. rub vaseline on.
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