n. an ornamental pin with a clasp; v. wear an ornamental pin.
n. yard
n. 1. plank, board. Gilugkat ang usa ka bartíha sa bungbung, One plank was torn off the wall; 2. parcel, block of land. Bahínun sa tulu ka bartíha ang ílang yútà, Their land will be divided into three parcels; 3. share; v. 1. make, or cut into planks or boards; 2. put a board between two things. Bartihái ang kanal arun makalabang ang kutsi, Place some planks over the canal so the car can pass over it. 3. divide, cut up into pieces or sections. Hukum ang mubartíha (magbartíha) sa yútà nga iapud-apud sa mga anak, A judge will apportion the land that will be distributed among the children. Bartiháa ang kík sa walu ka bátà, Divide the cake among the eight children; 3a. get a share or a part of. Nakabartíha siyag duha ka gatus sa usa ka byáhi, His share in one trip was two hundred pesos.
n. bartender, one who acts as a bartender; v. be the one who mixes the drinks.
n. cell for the solitary confinement of a prisoner; v. place in solitary. Ayaw panguláta arun dì ka bartulináhun (ibartulína), Don’t fight with anybody or you will get put in solitary.
n. kind of fish, the climbing perch: Anabas testudines.
n. large cylindrical water or rice container made from tin plate or an empty petroleum can, having a capacity of around 5–6 gallons; v. make into such a container.
v. 1. stand, stand up, cause to do so. Mubarug kita inigtugtug sa nasudnung áwit, Let us stand when the national anthem is played. Mibarug ang íya pagbása níya ug librung law-ay, He got a bone on (lit. his stood up) when he read the dirty book. Nagbarug (nagpabarug) siya sa masakitun, He helped the sick man get to his feet; 1a. for a building to stand, be built. Sa katapúsan nagbarug nang balay nga ákung gitúkud, At last the house I constructed was built; 2. stand up for one’s opinions or principles. Makabarug ra giyud sa katapúsan ang matúud, Truth prevails in the end. Barugi (ibarug) ang katinúud sa ímung gipanulti, Stand up for the truth of your statement; 3. stand for, act as proxy for someone, guarantee for someone’s obligations or rights. Akuy nagbarug sa íyang útang sa bangku, I stood as guarantor for his debts to the bank. Gibarugan ku ni tiyù pagpamaláyi nákù kay wà si Tátay, My uncle stood for my father when I made the formal marriage proposal; 4. get standing in a community. Ang makabarug (makapabarug) sa táwu ang íyang prupisyun, A man’s profession gives him dignity; 5. look good in something, for something to become one. Dì ka mubarug sa míni kay tag-as kag tul-an, You don’t look good in a mini because you have long legs; n. 1. height. Mubù ug barug, Of a short height; 2. bearing and features. Ang íyang barug daw istadista, His bearing is statesman-like. paN- n. 1. stature and/or features of a person. Ambúngang pamarug, Handsome features; 2. one’s standing in a profession or any group. -ánan n. principle. Táwung way barugánan, A man without principles. (←)-an a. for a person to have a good bearing. Barúgan nga pagkalaláki, Good-looking man.
adj. handsome
adj. stately
n. stand
v. squander something valuable. Nagbarumbáda lang ka sa ímung kabílin, You are squandering your inheritance. Ibarumbáda lang níyang íyang nindut nga sinínà, gihímung pambáy, She wastes her beautiful dress, using it around the house.
a. 1. ill-mannered. Barumbádu nang anáka kay dì mangáyug katahúran sa íyang katiguwángan, That child is ill-mannered because he doesn’t greet his folks; 2. careless in dress; wearing clothing untidily or in such a way as to destroy it. Barumbádu siyang mamisti. Lúpig pay buguy, He dresses terribly, worse than a tramp; 3. vagabond, vagrant; v. 1. become ill-mannered; 2. become careless of one’s dress, treat clothes carelessly. Ayaw ibarumbádu kanang ímung púlung putì sa tubaan, Don’t ruin your white shirt wearing it to the toddy stand; 3. become a vagabond. Nagbarumbádu siya sukad mapapha sa trabáhu, He became a tramp after he lost his job.
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