see bayúuk.
n. fat on the stomach. Buy-un sa bábuy, Fat on the pig’s stomach; v. get fat on the stomach. Maáyu ka tingáli rung pagkabutang kay namuy-un ka man, You must be doing well now, as I see by your spare tire; a. having rolls of fat on the stomach; v. get to have rolls of fat.
n. 1. float, buoy; v. make, make into, mark with, use as a buoy.
n. agreement between parents to betroth their young or unborn children; v. betroth unborn or young children. Buyáhun nátù ang mga bátà, Let us betroth our children. Atung ibúya ang ímung gisabak sa ílang masusu, We will betroth the child you are carrying to their infant.
v. 1. make a comment on something Kusug siyang mamuyag ug gwápa, He makes lots of comments when he sees a good-looking girl. Wà kay katungud sa pagbuyag sa ákung pamisti, You have no right to comment on the way I dress; 2. call one’s attention to a fault. Buyaga siya kay nangurtína, Tell her her slip is showing; 3. admonish someone to stop doing something Buyaga ang mga bátang nagsábà, Tell those noisy kids to be quiet; 4. be affected by buyag. n. 1. disease afflicting a person or his possessions brought on by a compliment given by a buyágan or by a supernatural being; 2. — sa túbig kind of skin eczema. interjection see puyra —. puyra — magical formula uttered to ward off the disease buyag said where a compliment has been made or is about to be made. pa- v. 1. do something to make someone admonish one; 2. allow someone to tell one to stop. -an(→) n. 1. someone with an inherent supernatural power which causes any living thing he compliments to become ill; 2. sorcerer who can cure buyag. -l-un(←) a. requiring admonishment.
n. see bunsudbunsud.
n. kind of bright-colored paper umbrella, in vogue before World War II.
a. 1. wide open. Buyang-ang nga pultahan, Wide open door; 2. for something to be open to view in a brazen or ungainly way. Ang nangalígù nagbuyang-ang (nagpabuyang-ang) sa ílang láwas, The bathers are exposing their bodies. Ayaw buyang-ánga (pabuyang-ánga, ibuyang-ang) ímung balunan, Don’t let everyone see your lunch box.
see aguyangyang.
a. dressed sloppily in such a way that something is exposed; v. be sloppily covered so that something is exposed. Nagbuyasyas lang siya nga natúlug. Kítà ang páa, She didn’t cover herself well when she slept. You could see her thigh. Buyasyas lang ang ímung púlu, Your shirt is half-open.
v. count favors one has done to someone Gibuybuy ku níya sa íyang gihátag nákù, He kept mentioning the things he had given me; n. action of counting favors. paN- see buybuy, n. -an(→) a. tending to count favors.
see bulinggit.
n. boycott; v. boycott.
n. momentum; v. 1. gain momentum, accelerate. Mibuylu ang dyip sa pagsubída, The jeep accelerated on the upgrade; 2. move with freedom and ease. Dì ta makabuylu sa mga tígum nga purmal, We cannot move with ease in formal gatherings. tina- see tinabuylu.
v. speed, rush forward. Mibuylug ang túbig pagkagubà sa liptung, The water gushed out when the dam broke. Buylúgi (pabuylúgi) arun makaapas ta níla, Give it more speed so we can catch up with them; n. fast, onrushing forward speed; v. do something together in a group. Sígi silang magbuylug bísan ása paìngun, They are always together, wherever they go. hi-/ha- v. be included in someone’s misfortunes. Ang tibuuk níyang bánay nahibuylug sa kadáut, His whole family suffered from the misfortune. ta- see tabuylug.
a. lucky, fortunate; v. be lucky. Mangabir ku, básig buynásun, I’ll take a try. Perhaps I’ll be lucky. — díyas, nutsis Good day, night, said to people who are thought to be Spanish-speaking, di- see buynas.
1. particle conceding a situation: ‘well’. Buynu, ug dì ka, ay na lang, Well, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. 2. particle terminating a conversation: ‘well, all right now’. Buynu, mau na lang tu. Dad-a dinhi ugmà, Well, that’s all. Bring it here tomorrow. Buynu, sanggía ang mais ugmà, All right. Harvest the corn tomorrow; 2. particle in a story preceding a summary of the situation. Buynu, kay nakapangasáwa sa prinsísa, siyay nahímung manunúnud, All right, since he married the princess, he became the heir to the throne.
n. bee
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