term used in playing pool for a certain agreed-to score, where part of the score is made by drawing a numbered marble; n. container used for the numbered marbles; a. even in score in this kind of pool. Way daug, way pildi námù, butsáka ra mi, Neither of us lost; we came out even; v. 1. get even in this kind of pool; 2. draw a marble from the container; 2a. return the marble back into the container.
n. strip
n. kind of sweet made of flour, filled with mongo beans, sweetened coconut meat, et al and optionally other ingredients, fried brown; v. make butsi.
see baksing.
n. voucher asking for payment; v. make a voucher.
n. something used for dry scrubbing the floor; v. 1. scrub the floor when it is dry; 2. make a coconut husk for scrubbing the floor.
a. philanderer. Bísag kinsa lay pangulitawhan. Butsukuy kaáyu, He courts any girl he meets. What a philanderer!
n. 1. explosion; 2. blister; v. 1. explode. Mibutu ang bulkan nga Taal, Taal Volcano erupted. Ug buthan kag ligid may ikarisirba ka? In case you have a blowout, do you have a spare tire? 2. for something to swell and rupture. Mibutu ang íyang hubag, His boil burst. Wà pa mubutu ang tumatub, Her bag of waters hasn’t broke yet; 3. fall or hit something with a bang. Ang libru mibutu sa salug, The book fell to the floor with a bang. Mubutu ka rug suntúkun ka nákù, I’ll bang you one when I hit you; 4. get blisters. Nabuthan ákung pálad pagbinughà, I got blisters on my palms from chopping wood; 5. flunk an exam, esp. board or bar. Mibutu siya sa bar, He failed the bar; 6. give birth (humorous). pa- v. fire, make something explode. Pabutha ang ripli, Fire the rifle. Daghang kug ribintadur nga ipabutu sa Bag-ung Túig, I have lots of firecrackers to explode for New Year’s. paN- v. 1. get blisters. Namutu ang ákung pálad, My palms were blistered; 2. get one’s just deserts after accumulating too much wealth, esp. illegally or at the expense of others. Mamutu ka bayà sa kataas niánang ímung tantu, You’ll get your just deserts from charging such usurious rates of interest. buthanan n. head of a boil.
n. 1. female genitalia; 2. testicles. sipsip, supsup — n. ass kisser (coarse). (→) n. 1. male of the species, esp. animals; 2. castrated male pig raised for meat purposes; v. raise a castrated male pig. hi-, hiN- v. castrate animals. Hibut-an (himut-an, himutúan) ku run ang bàbuy, I’ll castrate the pig now. butùbútù n. 1. clapper of a bell; 2. bob of a plumb line.
n. hair that looks lighter than the surrounding hair. Butu nà, dílì úban, Those are light-colored strands, not gray hairs; v. for strands of hair to look lighter in color than the rest. Mubutu ang mga lugas sa buhuk basta sapírun nga basà, Hair gets a light look if you braid it when it is wet.
n. vote; v. cast vote for. Butúhi si Usminya, Vote for Osmeña.
n. kind of black biting ant living in the earth.
v. swell with water or gas. Mubútud ang balun, The balloon filled with air. Mibútud ang patay nga gidagsà, The body that was washed ashore was bloated. (→) n. 1. gas pains; 2. see butíti; v. suffer gas in the stomach. Nagpurhisyu ang bátà kay gibutdan, The baby is crying because he has gas pains. butdánun n. colicky.
v. 1. for a burn to form a blister. Mibútuk ang ákung pánit nga nalaswaan sa nagbukal nga mantíkà, My skin was blistered when the boiling fat splashed on it. 2. for rice or corn or pork to swell in cooking or for dough to rise; 3. for rice or corn to boil gently with a low simmering sound when the water is practically gone; 4. for the grains of rice or corn to get soft after cooking. Walà pa makabútuk ug maáyu ang mais, maung adúna pa kiniy lísu, The corn grits didn’t get soft and so they still have uncooked grains in the middle. butukbutuk v. make a throbbing, bubbling sound. Nagbutukbutuk ang linung-ag nga hápit na mahubas, The rice made a popping sound as it was about to evaporate; n. see -in-. -in- n. throbbing, bubbling sound. Binutukbutuk sa kasingkásing, Throbbing of the heart.
v. cut down bamboos. Butkun kug hurut ang kawáyan, I am going to cut down all the bamboos; n. bamboo pole. Usa ka butuk kawáyan, A bamboo pole. butukbutuk v. cut bamboo or timber into several pieces.
v. make bundles of rice seedlings. Butuka (butka) ang lawngun nga igtalánum, Bind the seedlings to transplant into bundles; n. sizeable bundle of rice seedlings for transplanting.
a. slow, unintelligent, poor in doing things. Butul kaáyu, dúgayng makasabut, He is stupid. It takes him forever to understand. Butul nga musiyat, He’s a terrible shot. Butul nga kabáyù kay gamay rag ági, A slow horse because it hardly accomplishes anything; v. be slow and inefficient, unskillful or unintelligent.
n. button of a switch; v. push the button of a switch.
n. 1. young coconut at a stage where the meat has just begun to form; 2. other young nuts that are soft and sweet; 3. young fiber-bearing parts of plants. Abaka nga butung pag tugdan, Abaca with immature stems; v. 1. develop into the butung stage; 2. mix with young coconut; 3. get some young coconut. paN- v. eat young coconut.
n. kind of thick, straight, and smooth bamboo: Gigantochloa levis.
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