List of Cebuano words starting with the letter B - Page 203



n. buttons; v. 1. button something; 2. sew buttons on. 3. make into a button. Culu- kind of grass of waste places: Kyllinga spp.



v. for flesh to swell. Mibútuy ang pinaakan sa buyug, The bee sting swelled. Gibutúyan ang agtang kay napakung, He bumped his head causing his forehead to swell; n. swelling.






v. make something known that was not known before. Nianhi si San Huwan Bawtista arun pagbutyag sa maáyung púlung, John the Baptist was sent to reveal the good news. Ayaw ibutyag ang ákung tinagúan, Don’t reveal my secret.



v. sulk, be sullen. buúran a. prone to sulking.



v. 1. be confined and become foul. Nagbúug ang hángin sulud sa kwartu, The air in the room is stagnant and foul; 2. for wounds to rot in the absence of air. Nagbúug ang samad nga walà kuhái sa bindáhi, The wound is rotting because the bandage hadn’t been taken off; 3. see buug, n, v. (→) n. an infection characterized by a smelly yellow pus; v. get this infection. -un(→) a. having this sort of infection.



n. piece, single one. Usa ka buuk ságing, A banana. Upat ka buuk bátà, Four children. Tutú ka buuk báy, Three houses. -an a. of imposing size. Ang táwung buukan katahaan, A person of imposing size is held in respect; v. be imposingly big.



n. 1. anklebone; 2. adam’s apple or any bulge in the area of the neck.



n. kind of white dove.



v. 1. break glass or masonry to pieces. Buúngun (ibúung) nà nákù ang tanang mga plátu, I’ll break all the plates to pieces; 2. ruin someone’s reputation. Nabúung na ang íyang pagkababáyi, Her chastity has been destroyed. -in-an half a coconut split lengthwise without the meat.



v. commit suicide. Ug dì ku nímu sugtun magbuung ku, I’ll kill myself if you don’t marry me.

see buluungun.



n. storehouse for farm produce; v. keep in a storehouse.



v. confine in a narrow place so that no air can get in or out. Napan-us ang bíku nga gibúut (gibuútan), The sticky rice spoiled because it was wrapped up too tightly. -in- n. fruit placed in a tight container to hasten ripening.



want, would like to. Buut siyang makig-isturya nímu, He wishes to talk to you. Unsay buut níyang isulti? What does he wish to say? Dì siya buut sa liguylíguy, He does not care for this messing around; n. 1. one’s desires. Kuntra sa ákung buut, It is against my will. kaping — strings attached, ulterior motives. Ihátag ku kini way kaping buut, I give you this with no strings attached; 1a. walà sa — not meaning to do something Walà tu sa ákung buut pagsultíha, I really didn’t mean to say that; 2. thoughts, mind. Línaw na ang ákung buut kay nasulbad na, My mind is at rest now, because it is solved. Búkid sa ákung buut, Far from my thoughts (it never occurred to me). Wad-un ta sa buut ang átung kabingkílan, Let’s forget our quarrels; 2a. consciousness, awareness. Didtu siya sa uspital makamatngun ug buut, She regained consciousness in the hospital. Sukad sa pagkatim-an níyag buut, From the time he reached the age of awareness; 2b. walay — 2b1. unaware, innocent of knowledge. Walay buut nga bátà, An innocent child. 2b2. unaware of proper social conduct. Walay buut nga tawhána. Magkarsunsilyu lang sa sílung, What an ignorant man! He wears his undershorts downstairs; 3. mood, disposition. Magláin ang íyang buut ug mapildi sa súgal, He gets in a bad mood if he loses in gambling. Mabaw kaáyu siyag buut, She is very short-tempered. walà sa — it didn’t hurt (so-and-so)’s feelings. Wà tu sa ákung buut ang ímung gisulti, I didn’t take to heart what you said; 4. útang — 4a. debt of gratitude; 4b. please, it would be a big favor. Útang buut. Ayaw pagsulti niánà, Please don’t say that; v. 1. have one’s way, decide how something is to be. Ikaw lay magbuut kun pila, You decide how much. Ang baláud nagbuut nga ..., The law stipulates that ... Dì ku makagbuut (makabuut) niánà kay dílì nà ákù, I can’t make a decision concerning that because it isn’t mine. Mau nay gimbut-an sa baláud, That is what is stipulated by the law. Ang tanang kinabúhì gimbut-an sa Diyus, All life is at God’s discretion. Ayaw akug but-i, Don’t dictate to me. 1a. unsa pay but-un? what does (so-and-so) want, anyway? Unsa pay but-un nímu? What in the world did you expect? 1b. be unmindful, uncomplaining about something unfavorable. Mubuut kug way kaunkáun. Anad kug puása, I don’t care if I miss meal. I’m used to doing without food; 2. accept a marriage proposal. Walà pa siya but-a ni Maríya, Maria has not accepted him yet. (←) v. do something freely without restraint, to one’s heart’s content. Nagbúut (nagpabúut) ang bátag kundat kay wà didtu si Máma, The child had a ball playing around because Mother wasn’t there. buutbúut v. 1. impose one’s will where one doesn’t have the right; 2. take it on oneself to do something Ngánung nagbuutbúut kag palit ánà? Why did you take it on yourself to buy that? mabuutbuútun a. tending to impose one’s will, take it on oneself to do things. but-anay v. impose each other’s will on each other. Way but-anay kun ása ági, We’ll each go our own way (we won’t impose our wills on each other where to go). pa- v. allow someone to have the say. Ug pabut-un (papagbut-un) aku nímu, If I am allowed to have the say in this matter. paka-, pa-(←) v. take it on oneself to do something forbidden as much as one likes. Mangingisdà nga magpakabuut (magpabúut) pagpabutug dinamíta, Fishermen who allow themselves to do as much dynamite fishing as they like. Gipabut-an níla ang mga bátag káun ug dulsi, They allowed the children to eat as many sweets as they liked. pasi- v. allow someone to decide. Gipasibut-an lang siya sa kursung íyang kuháun, He was left to decide what course he would take. hiN-/haN- v. be pleased. Nahimuut siyang nagtan-aw sa íyang anak, He took pleasure in observing his daughter. Wà níya ikahimuut (kahimut-i) ang ímung gibúhat, He wasn’t pleased with what you did. kahiN- n. pleasure. kahimut-anan n. something at which one can take pleasure, be amused. mahimut-un, mahimut-ánun, maham-utun a. feeling great pleasure. but-an a. possessing reason, sense. But-an ba siya u búang? Is he sane or mad? 2. see -an(←). -an(←) good, well-behaved. Buútang bátà, A good child. Ang buútan niyang asáwa, His good wife; v. get to be well-behaved. -in-an in a well-behaved way; v. act in a well-behaved way. ka-(←) 1. intelligence, ability to perceive; 2. consideration for one’s fellowmen. kabubut-un n. specific feelings toward someone or something útang kabubut-un debt of gratitude to be repaid. ma-(←) a. 1. having a requisite amount of intelligence; 2. thoughtful, considerate of one’s fellowmen. Ang mga mabúut nga táwu dílì mangdinamíta, Civic-minded people don’t dynamite fish. mag-r-(←) n. one who has the say. pag- will. Pagbuut sa Diyus, God’s will. paniN-(←) n. 1. consciousness, awareness; 2. degree of intelligence. Ang íyang panimúut sáma sa bátang tris anyus, His mental age is like a three-year-old child’s.



see ambuhútan. see ambúhut.



see buut.



see búti.



expression said in driving away pigs: scram! v. drive away pigs by saying buwa.



n. foam

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