v. admire. Ug buhátun nà nímu, admirahan ka giyud, If you do that, people will admire you for it.
n. 1. general admission section in a theater or stadium; 2. cost of admission in a theater or stadium; 3. admission slip to an exam.
v. 1. admit, concede a point. Admitahi lang nà, Just admit it. 2. admit to a hospital.
n. one who has conceded a point, admitted something Admitídu siya nga siya nakadawat sa sulat, He admits that he has received the letter.
see admitar.
n. kind of small fish.
v. be slightly scorched to the point of being discolored. Naadpan (giadpan) ang ákung pánit, My skin became tanned. -an a. tending to get easily tanned.
n. address. way — n. tough guy, police character (lit. one who does not have an established residence). Ikaw nga maistru makigbúnù ánang way adris, You, a teacher, want to fight with that police character? v. write an address. Unsay ákung iadris sa suwat? What address shall I put on the letter?
v. go there
1. short for niadtu; 2. short for kaniadtu; 3. see kadtu (dialectal).
1. there (far away, future). Adtu ku higdà sa íla, I will sleep there at their house; 2. will go s.w. far. Adtu ku sa Karbun, I’m going to the market; 3. there he (she, etc.) goes doing it (although he shouldn’t be). Adtu nanghambug na sad, There he goes again, showing off; v. 1. go, bring to a place. Nakaadtu na ku didtu kas-a, I went there once. Unsa mang lugára ang giadtúan ninyu? What place did you go to? Iadtu kini ngadtu sa íla, Go bring this to their house; 2. go get something Ikaw bay nag-adtu kang Pidru arun paanhíun siya? Were you the one who went to Pedro’s to tell him to come? Ug dì ka manáug ánang kahúya adtúun tika, If you do not come down from that tree, I’ll come up after you. hi-/ha- v. happen to go. Diyútay ra kaáyu ang mahiadtu sa mga táwu, A very small amount seeps down to the people. adtuan v. always go s.w. Mag-adtuan ku sa íla káda buntag, I always go see them every morning. adtuúnun, aladtúun n. things one has to get; a. hard to get to. Dì ku muadtu sa inyu kay aladtúun kaáyu, I won’t go to your place because it is hard to get to. umaadtúay, umaadtu n. about to go. kaadtuun a. feel very much like going s.w.
see adtu (colloquial).
see adubáwu.
n. meat cooked in salt, vinegar with spices then fried, with fat or liquid leftover; v. cook adubáwu. Átù lang adubawúhun ning bábuy, We’ll just make adubáwu out of this pork.
see kútil, n, v1.
n. adobe, bricks made of clay; v. build something with adobe.
n. meat fried in salt and vinegar; v. cook adúbu.
a. mentally deficient. Dì giyud kasabut ang adul bísag unsáug isplikar, No matter how you explain it to the imbecile, he will never understand.
n. adultery.
[existential] has
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